Talk about screwed up

I just went to round up a sub from Jersey Mikes for the Family. When I pulled up I noticed a car next to me in the parking lot that had a door left open. I walked over to the car to shut the door because no one was in it. It was then that I saw a beautiful little baby sitting in the back seat. I waited for about 4 minutes with the baby before a mother came running out of the verison store and asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was watching her baby because she didnt think it was fuggin important, and the only reason she was talking to me and not the cops, was because I left my cell phone at home. In hind sight I should of taken her plate and turned her in. She appreciated the fact that my dog is taken better care of than her child. I was pretty rough on her, I hope it sunk in. Who does this kind of crap, it would take seconds for some nut job to snatch up a child. Was I too harsh:question:

You probably should have broken her jaw… But that wouldn’t do you or the baby any good.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Nope. Good work. If it would have taken her much longer I would have flagged down somebody else to call the cops. Now she has something to think about.

First, Most, Biggest

Good work Pete , I can’t believe the stupidity of some folks today , you hear of children being taken or missing every day and a lot are never seen again; you may have very well saved that child’s life : you never know!!! Thanks for doing it…:smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Gail I was waiting for the guy from “what would you do” to pop out with the cameras, it’s nuts. It was an infant just a few months old. I know it wasn’t long, but it doesn’t take long to unbuckle a seat belt and grab a kid. Took her 4 minutes to notice me, I would have been long gone if I was a predator. I sit down and talk to my boy several times a year,every year about the possible dangers out there. Those kids that get snatched, rarely come home, and if they do they aren’t the same. My biggest fear in life would be to loose my son in any way. Hopefully she thinks twice about leaving her child alone in the car, a baby can die quickly in a hot car. It blows my mind. I bet if it was a stack of cash she wouldn’t of left it in the car while she ran her errands. Good to hear from you Sir. :smiley:

Good job, RBR :sunglasses: I would have done the same thing. The only thing that would prevent me from calling the police is the thought they would lock up Mom and the kid would go to state custody, which may be worse than Mom.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Same response here Pete, not surprising these days. The kid was probably hungry too… but ya gotta keep that cell phone on. Hindsight though, you could have told her the cops were on the way, see how “sorry” she really is.

Good job I’d do the same thing. There were so many reports of babies left in hot cars last summer I went out and bought one of those window smashing hammers just in case. People just don’t think.

People like that don’t deserve to have children. That poor child has that POS as an example to base its life on. Sad…

In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.

Xpress H20B Bay Series
Yamaha 115 SHO

Did you at least make her peel off her Obama sticker?

Originally posted by skinneej

Did you at least make her peel off her Obama sticker?

She was just paying her cell phone bill so couldn’t be a Dem. All the Dem’s have free Obama Phones remember?

Probably a Palin supporter. Bad parents probably think alike.

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