Tarpon flies

Going south next week for the Hill tides and thinking about chasing the giant mullet with the fly rod. Anyone have a proven favorite fly when targeting tarpon?

Going for snook one day and tarpon the next. Self guided in Boca Grande. I have my own boat to use.

I appreciate any advice.

Was down there about a month ago. Your hill tides will be fished with crabs flowing out the pass.

Your shots on fly will be off the beach, they seem to eat best closer to first light.

Toads, Puglisi and the big eye mullet are always great. There is a big eye black fly that usually gets interest too.

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
Will Rogers

Toads seem to be the most popular. I had a 130+ pounder on for 55min! Guide had slipped the glove on and the tippet broke within 15’ft of the boat.
Apalachiacola area.