television volume

Ok, the wife is starting to drive me crazy. Does any body know or have any idea why the volume on a tv goes up and down. I’m talking about when watching a show the volume is set and as soon as a commercial comes on it either goes real high or real low. Every time it happens she starts complaining. What’s even worse is I’ll be sleeping and she has gone to sleep with the tv on. I know the tv was on when I went to sleep when all of a sudden the volume cranks up around 4 or 5 am and now I’m awake.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

there is a more technical answer but it is a standard advertising thing, commercial comes on the volume goes up

one solution she won’t agree to - but if it was you watching tv while she slept it would be mandatory - use a wireless transmitter with headphones, they are cheap, you can guess how I know

Pioneer 197SF

Dad always told me the bed was for sleeping and sc#@wing. I watch T.V. in the family room. :wink:

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

First make sure you tv is set to English, not Spanish. I believe its the SAP button.

Second dont watch fx at night. FX has had loud commercials for as long as I can remember.

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TV stations do that to wake you up, when your watching the Gamecocks, so you don’t miss the commercial :smiley::smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

TV stations do that to wake you up, when your watching the Gamecocks, so you don’t miss the commercial :smiley::smiley:

Wow that was below the belt…Accurate as all H@ll but those thunder coots have had enough this season

Originally posted by Easy

TV stations do that to wake you up, when your watching the Gamecocks, so you don’t miss the commercial :smiley::smiley:

We are all thankful that Sandusky didn’t coach at USC… Ohh, the torment the fans would’ve received over the mascot name and Jerry’s obsession with them… I guess they would have renamed it the Sandusky storm…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by Blueskyguy

there is a more technical answer but it is a standard advertising thing, commercial comes on the volume goes up

one solution she won’t agree to - but if it was you watching tv while she slept it would be mandatory - use a wireless transmitter with headphones, they are cheap, you can guess how I know

Pioneer 197SF

I remember reading that there’s some bill going through somewhere to make that illegal.

That’s the way I look at it Fred67. She has the volume cranked up in the family room as well. We went out of town to see some family that isn’t doing well and slept in a room with no tv for 12 nights. Tried that when we returned and all heck broke loose. It is funny how I can have the volume barely on and hear it fine even with my tinnitus yet she has to have it so loud even foam ear plugs can’t drown it out. Oh, and my tinnitus didn’t raise it’s ugly head until one night a couple months ago. Went to sleep and she cranked the volume and suddenly I felt this pain in my ear and now it is a constant buzzing. Can still hear low volumes though.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Did you try the sap button? If its set to spanish but on a show that only broadcast in english you will have volume fluctuations

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