if you lie, you’ll steal
if you lie, you’ll steal
Credibility level zero.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
I dont know. Some people are just slow, maybe the tide came up on him.
First, Most, Biggest
I dont know.
I’m no computer wizard, but I get by. Boats are my thing. But if you right click on any image you see online, copy the img location URL, then go to images.google.com and paste it there, it will show you everywhere that picture is located online and who posted it and when:wink:
Posted - 11/04/2015 : 7:13:19 PM Telthis was today
</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>BS. No it wasn’t.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Angus said this really did happen today and even posted it on face book
Local Boy, Just having fun.
This was today
Then how did Jim post the exact same picture on here almost a year ago? Jim always gives me a good feeling, I’ve met him and shook his hand. I don’t know Angus, but I know this picture has been online for just over a year.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
my mistake, he said it was today, he must have reposted it.
Ya think Verification is easy. Memories can be long. Don’t pee on our feet and tell us it’s raining. THT is a good place for BS, not here. Let’s keep this forum real. That’s what makes this forum much better than THT, not much BS goes on here
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
yeah there no bs on here. easy sees to it
“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”
Originally posted by PeaPodyeah there no bs on here. easy sees to it
look who’s back…
The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org
Yep, the Pod was gone! Me thinks he was holding 23’s hand,while 23 was losing it! And Pod,That’s Easy,not easy! Make sure you use the big E
yeah there no bs on here. easy sees to it
That’s Easy, with an “E”
BS chatter is one thing, BS saying that this happened today is another. I knew when my BS detector dinged that I had seen that picture before.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Originally posted by Cracker LarryYa think
Verification is easy. Memories can be long. Don’t pee on our feet and tell us it’s raining. THT is a good place for BS, not here. Let’s keep this forum real. That’s what makes this forum much better than THT, not much BS goes on here
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
It was a mistake, ever made one? No BS here. You want to scold me, try it in person.
It was a mistake, ever made one? No BS here. You want to scold me, try it in person.
I’ve made many mistakes my friend, and still do. Too dang many If it was a mistake it is forgiven and forgot, but I wouldn’t trust your source from now on
If you want to meet me in person, I’d be happy to, but not for a scolding. Neither of us want to go there and I don’t take mistakes or misinformation as a fighting offense
Larry Teuton
1448 Clyo Shawnee Rd.
Clyo, GA 31303
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Well said Larry! I’ve always taken a wrong flinch, as fighting offense:wink:
Originally posted by Cracker Larryquote:
It was a mistake, ever made one? No BS here. You want to scold me, try it in person.
I’ve made many mistakes my friend, and still do. Too dang many
If it was a mistake it is forgiven and forgot, but I wouldn’t trust your source from now on
If you want to meet me in person, I’d be happy to, but not for a scolding. Neither of us want to go there and I don’t take mistakes or misinformation as a fighting offense
hing about a fight Larry, Angus is a very good friend of mine and has been for over 40 years. But I won’t be talked to like you were talking to me on a board or person to person, to many cyber bullies out there and that is what u sound like. This isn’t 5th grade, don’t act like it.No one said anything about a fight
Larry Teuton
1448 Clyo Shawnee Rd.
Clyo, GA 31303
912-655-5674Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Angus is a very good friend of mine and has been for over 40 years.
Do all of your good friends tell you they took a picture today that was taken by someone else a year ago? Good friends there.
But I won't be talked to like you were talking to me on a board or person to person, to many cyber bullies out there and that is what u sound like. This isn't 5th grade, don't act like it.No one said anything about a fight
</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>I’m no bully, trust me on that. A lot of people on here know me. I’m a 63 year old adult. I’m 5-10 and weigh 155. Ain’t big enough to be a bully. I do know how to fight very effectively though, but would surely rather not, especially not over an Internet disagreement on when a picture was taken… It ain’t worth it.
I’ve got some real good rum and would be glad to share it with you. You have my contact info. Mistakes happen. Let it be.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Nice PM, Tel. Very classy. My dumb ass has been fishing in SC for 60 years and I live 2 miles from the state line.
your dumb ass isn't even from SC? what r u doing here. I didn't say anything about a fight, I'm not in 5th grade anymore, but if u do want to meet me, that is something that I have always been very good at. Terry Orvig 224-5690 I'm easy to find pal
I’m easy too and pretty good at it. The offer of rum is still on. That’s a lot more fun than fighting:smiley:
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Wow didn’t mean for such as this when calling out the picture. By the way I have known angus for about 30 years and would not believe a word he said !
Well put sir. Tbs i can help you with the rum. Lol. Seems a lot of people are key board cowboys. You have many friends here, and youre welcome to fish with me anytime.
If it fly’s, floats, or, friggs, rent it!