Temp alarm buzzing.

Have a 2013 150 Yam with 240 hrs. Was in Shem yesterday and the temp alarm was goin off periodically. If I shut down and restarted, alarm would stop but then would sound again a while later. Ran out to the jetties and back but it went off one more time near Morris but only when idling around. A few times when I when put the throttle down hard, engine sounded funny, kind of sputtered or didn’t respond like it normally would.
Any ideas what might have been issue? Something get sucked up in intake?

2014 Key West 203DFS
1987 Landau

Was it peeing? Not sure if same thing but, almost every time I go down to the Keys, my temp alarm goes off at some point and time. It is usually some type of vegetation. Sometimes if I go in reverse it spits it out and all is good. Once in a blue moon I have to give it a few minutes. Never had that happen in our waters.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’m going with possible bad impeller. Had the same symptoms you are having on my duck boat. It would pee while WOT but would not while idling. That’s when the alarm started, and would stutter real bad while trying to throttle up. Once I changed the impeller it was pissing like a water jet. Also, make sure there is nothing clogging the “piss line”.

Was in Shem yesterday and the temp alarm was goin off periodically. If I shut down and restarted, alarm would stop but then would sound again a while later. Ran out to the jetties and back but it went off one more time near Morris

That would have been a really good time to turn around, go back to the dock and investigate the problem. Better broke down in Shem Creek than at the jetties. Not to mention, if the engine is over heating you can cook the power head by running it. If the boat ain’t running right, much better to spend the running time getting closer to the dock than farther from it.

As said, probably the water pump impeller.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Water pump impeller replacement time !!! Should be changed every other season !! Also agree with Larry better to go to dock before getting ready to paddle back to it :face_with_head_bandage: !!

I’ve had all the required servicing done. I’d have to check the records but I would think the impeller were replaced already? Would it need replacing again this soon?
And yes, I agree that running to the jetties and back probably wasn’t the best decision.

2014 Key West 203DFS
1987 Landau

How long ago was the impeller replaced? Also, if you have been dragging the motor through any sand or mud it can suck up all sort of junk that can clog or jam the impeller. It is fairly easy to drop the foot and take the cover off of the impeller, just look in there for any tears or sand and shell clogging. Also, make sure the impeller blades are facing the right way. I have seen experienced people just have a “doh” moment and accidentally put on the impeller backwards. While the issue may be somewhere else, why not start cheap and easy?

its a 2012 Yamaha 4 stroke, it shouldn’t need 2 impellers in that amount of time unless it has ALOT of hours
sounds like some other issue, unless the impeller is damaged
