I have a blood trailing beagle NOT suitable to run or push deer as is apparently the custom here in Carolina. He is gun, lightning, and thunder shy. He eats too much. He throws up. He like to roll in dead animal remains, and even eat dead animal. He howls at everything that crosses the yard front or back. He has had both knees replaced. He torments my wife’s cats and eats cat poo. He can not be taught right from wrong. He does not understand punishment, cars, highways, or any kind of turf or territory, which is to say he is in peril at all times, except on the blood trail. If you “pop” him he will bite you. For his whole life his only jobs have been to blood trail deer for me, and to sleep indoors on the couch.
If I found the right home for him I might give him away. I don’t much want to do it because I love him. Still if someone would convince me that they had the right home for him…I might just do it. I have my reasons for wanting to do this but I don’t wish to discuss them here.