
He’s back from the land of the lost and Gotchacovered definitely isn’t going to approve.

Wow, forgot all about you,how’s things? Long time no cs (see what I did there)?

Look 7, great to see you and all but I’m ready to put a few members here on my “staff” and was wondering if you’ve seen Lee or Drum Reeper.

I kinda missed you guys


Polly Wanna...

What’s all this?

I sent up a flair last night, lets see who comes help.

Fingers crossed

Wow you’re back

This is big

You could singlehandedly breathe at least temporary life back into this dying site. Well maybe

Still waiting on skinny, phin, psycho, elk, slow poke, hoppy, 23, sells, duk, and a few others to see if circling the wagons is even worth the effort.

In the meantime Its erection night, keep and eye on the polls,seriously I kid.

But for real, when the elephant and the donkey are doing battle, dont forget to keep an eye on the lamb.

for reel*

How is sansdefeat?

How do you unregister.
Remove yourself from the forum??

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

that would be sorta lol if we could put the band back together…

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

How did you get the picture to post

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

you could probably lower the resolution on your camera (it appears 5 megs is the limit now) for pics you know will be here or resize like they did back in the Bush era.

here, let me try something…

It’s going to be hard to post from the phone either way, this really is a piss poor platform, but I’d try lowering the resolution on the camera and try that first

well this fizzled out quickly.

i haven’t been this disaapointed since bonzo made ribs in the crockpot

Hang on. I have Yellow Jacket on the way.

I wonder if Peapod sucks this much at fishing , what with his appearing to “fizzle out” on the first bait tossed out and head for the hill all “disappointed” and chitt with nothing in the box to show for his troubles. I had higher hopes.

I haven’t even jigged this frozen washed out last years stuff yet.

You guys just need to worry about Texas A&M tomorrow anyway. Any Jimbo fans in the house?

Say, while I have you here let me ask a serious question, WTF is up with that metal hen they put up at Willy Brice? Its a hen, Cocks have spurs. Is it true they put it in the porta potty section? Say it isn’t so.

One more question for reel, is Stonoman still above ground. He use to be a true champ. He’s not answering the bat phone.

As you were

I blame the downfall of this site to all those little icons. What’s wrong with a link that says what it does. Its almost unbearable on my phone.


Sad to see you bail on The Vols. Ted predicted this

I wonder if ol’ Tugted is still Jinxy. I don’t have his number anymore, but I have sent out a few smoke signals to some of the lost tribes, there’s hope. One thing about Ted, he was a picking machine but overall his predictions sucked about as much as some high hopes around here.

I like my chances and I still look dapper in orange

old enough to remember when you organized november trips to obx for surf fishin and fruity beers.

guess you don’t care about your friends anymore.

ted told me this too was comin