The Warden and I played hooky to take her brother offshore fishing today. She got up and made a cooler full of sammiches and sat them by the door as I loaded the boat with fishing gear and stuff.
As we got close to The Gardens, The Warden asked me if I put the sammich cooler on the boat. I said you were in charge of drinks and food. She complained that she sat the cooler by the door and I should have seen it.
No biggie for me to miss a sammich, but her brother is Type 1 diabetic and the only carbs we had on the boat was Cokes, Sprite and beer.
When we got to The Gardens, there was one other boat on the fish and we swung by and asked if they had any crackers or a sammich for the brother in law. They did have crackers and that was what we needed. We eased over and the guys tossed us a pack of crackers and we were good to go.
I’m sorry but I forgot your boats name, I tried to make a mental note, but like my dad used to say, a short pencil is better than a long memory…so thanks guys with the pack of crackers. You saved our day and who knows what else. I think I owe you a beer.
~ Carnivore
For the report. We got the the fishing spot later than we should have and drift fished and got our limit of B-Liners. The weatherman lied his nads off…he called for 1.6 at 8-10 seconds, but we had more like 2 foot at 6 seconds. Bouncy days and it obliterated the sister in law…she still feels like crud. Caught a few undersized BSB, saw an AJ chase a B-liner to the boat. No flyers. Water temp was around 72.
“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad
2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 22 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 18 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)