The biggest scam

This guy is so confident, he takes the time to write: “Though I find the traditional concept of god hard to believe, I cannot rule out the possibility of some type of god”. Spoken like a true “atheist”… CONFIDENT that there probably isn’t but just might be a god…

Just another instance of Romans 1:19-20 creeping in: “because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse”

Also, would like to point out this part said by the author: “I would think that an intelligent god would appreciate and respect people who use their “god-given” brains. He would respect and appreciate people who question things and seek evidence.”

Let’s get one thing straight… This author is NOT “seek[ing] evidence”. How many atheists are on an actual quest to find God? I would say next to none… The only ones that I know of that actually took on a valid quest to find God, found him…

Humans do not even understand the concept of time… That is, we all see time as a fixed constant, but even science believes now that time is relative to the observer. That is, you can take a set of twins and fly one around at the speed of light and upon meeting some 20 years older less time has passed for one twin than the other and looks 20 years younger than the twin brother. While this doesn’t seem “probable” to the common man, it’s certainly been proven to some extent in a practical sense, yet the common man cannot truly grasp the concept…

I think that’s a new low for you bolly. Keep sending money to Hilary, I’m sure she’ll help on your quest for an immoral Entitled america running on 22".

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”