The Cold Blob

I don’t doubt the Weather Channel sensationalizes weather, that’s the business they are in…but I do like what they are doing now with WUTV (Weather Underground TV) and “geeking” it out more…they are actually trying to help people understand not only the “what” in weather, but also the “why”…I don’t know, maybe they just have me lip-hooked, but I think we WAY under-estimate how much this “climate change” is affecting us…and things like this cold blob are just another facet in this whole equation…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Easy

Alright Bob! you can call an EX whatever you want, unless they are paying you:imp:

Easy, that’s plain wrong. Really wrong. But… I’d give you a dollar if you ran up and yanked her sweat pants down.

Back on topic, Bonzo72 I agree that this weather stuff is pretty cool! Be interesting to see accurate weather information from 10’s of thousands of years ago. Interesting times… coming out of an Ice age.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”