The Deli, But Not For Lunch

Second time out, shakedown trip two, with issues corrected and boat working great.

February 26. Seas almost flat.

Water temps pretty cold. In the low fifties to about 65 feet then slowly rising. Water temps 68ish at 160-225 feet. Had to go way south to find 70 degrees right about when turning around to head home. Maybe just a little bit early.

No wahoo caught but terrific day anyway. Plenty of dinners. Didn’t break out jigs or bottom rigs. Only trolling which is not my usual approach.

As always, something different every time out. Saw a huge pod of Atlantic Spotted Dolphin tearing things up. A hundred or hundreds covering a huge area. Pushing so hard after something making waves. I have seen the dolphins plenty of times but not like that - ever. No idea what they were after.

Once we got close to the dolphins hooked up immediately. The bad news was it was only two false albacore. At least they were the two biggest boneheads I have ever seen. Easily over twenty pounds. Maybe the dolphins were chasing the false albacore or maybe the little tunny were chasing bait to the dolphins. (False albacore may set a record for common names.) Who knows what the dolphins were after, but it was impressive.

Hope to get out again next week.

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Were you fishing from south ledge to triple ledges on the way back?

Thats a nice working deck and chair on that boat. What is it?

Thanks for the report and the pics, might be the first of the season. Good stuff

Didn’t get as far south as the triple ledges. Ended at a wreck south of the Deli and then headed straight home.

Not a chair but a rocket launcher. Which came in handy. Put the rod in the rod holder on the rocket launcher with a fish on and then reel. I found it easier than using a belt.


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Nice ride.

I know that spot