The Dirty South is an upcoming Reality television series that is expected to air on CMT in the Fall of 2013. The series was created by Jersey Shore creator SallyAnn Salsano and 495 Productions and is being shot in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. The series is Southern spin on Jersey Shore and introduces viewers to the South?s most outrageous personalities, as a group of friends converge on a popular beach for the summer.
The Dirty South will be filmed in Murrells Inlet, South Carolinaand the the series is in the early stages of production, but the details of the show are being kept quiet, but the CMT website says that the show will be about a group of friends spending a summer on the beach together. A couple weeks ago the owner of Drunken Jack’s Al Hitchcock was approached by from 495 Productions about filming in his restaurant. Hitchcock stated that he wasn’t against the idea and thinks it would be good for the area and allowed crews inside his restaurant and he even placed a bid to serve as the catering company for the more than 100 crew and cast members while they’re in town.
A. if its gonna air in the fall of 2013 theres not much summer left. B. If they ride by me flounder fishing in a f’ing jetski or rentaboat they will see the south’s most outrageous personality. And C the only beach I know of in murrells inlet is where I catch bait so refer to B.
Found this casting call which kinda describes what type of behavior they are seeking:
American Proud - The party is down SOUTH!
Doron Ofir Casting, the legendary casting company, is now raising hell and casting South of the Mason-Dixon Line - searching for the proudest Southerners who are at least 21 years old that are ready to show the world they?re country strong! Whether you’re from the rural route markers, the sticks, the swamp, the bayou, or the gulf beaches we are looking for you!
Country Music, Friends, Kegs, BBQ cook-outs, and daisy dukes can only mean one thing? it?s summertime ya?ll! It?s time to put the cammo away, pile in the truck, and head to the beaches and lakes for summer fun, Southern style. Scorching beach bods, rope swings, blazing bon fires and filled-up red solo cups…there ain?t no way your gonna beat this summer.
A few lucky guys and gals will get the opportunity to star in a new television series, kick up their boots and spend one sizzling summer showing America how to really party down South! If you like your chicken fried, and you?re full of American pride, we are looking for you!
Found this casting call which kinda describes what type of behavior they are seeking:
American Proud - The party is down SOUTH!
Doron Ofir Casting, the legendary casting company, is now raising hell and casting South of the Mason-Dixon Line - searching for the proudest Southerners who are at least 21 years old that are ready to show the world they?re country strong! Whether you’re from the rural route markers, the sticks, the swamp, the bayou, or the gulf beaches we are looking for you!
Country Music, Friends, Kegs, BBQ cook-outs, and daisy dukes can only mean one thing? it?s summertime ya?ll! It?s time to put the cammo away, pile in the truck, and head to the beaches and lakes for summer fun, Southern style. Scorching beach bods, rope swings, blazing bon fires and filled-up red solo cups…there ain?t no way your gonna beat this summer.
A few lucky guys and gals will get the opportunity to star in a new television series, kick up their boots and spend one sizzling summer showing America how to really party down South! If you like your chicken fried, and you?re full of American pride, we are looking for you!
Git’er done and apply now!
It ain’t no mystery…this beer’s history!
and it just keeps getting better everyday…CAIN’T WAIT…???[:0]
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!
They are already there… They work at Crazy Sisters (so i’ve been told).
255 Sea Pro
2700 Pro-Line
figures every other aggravating thing in that creek comes from crazy sisters. From the head boats that will capsize your boat to the (**() rent me’s. still cant figure out with all the places in this great land why they chose to throw there trash out in murrells inlet.
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!
They started filming today…and no I don’t want MY Party Barge in it…
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!
I’m not a local but my family spends a lot of time in MI. The past 4 years I have noticed a huge increase in commercialized white trash tourism. MI has always been such a nice quiet family oriented place and it makes me sick to see everything that is happening.
I’m coming back down for a few weeks in September and I hope the film crew is gone. I WILL NOT support any business that supports this kind of exploitation of such a beautiful culture and area…
They were at the Point on Saturday. We saw them coming in. Film crews and all.
We cruised around after gassing the boat up for Sunday’s trip and saw them as well. One girl had her top off and was running around the sea oats with the camera crew chasing after her. Wonder if we can get a copy of that video and charge them with damaging the sea oates??
Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.
Not that I don’t believe you but if you get that tape I’d have to watch it a couple times before I decide if I believe you completely… Rewind that part!