The Good Ship Lollipop

Well, every time you think the government has peaked on ridiculous ideas, we’re proven wrong. The US Navy will soon be naming a new vessel the USS Harvey Milk after the gay rights activist. Man, can you imagine commanding or serving on that one and all the ribbing you’ get from the rest of the fleet? I’m guessing one of our next subs will be named after Jared of Subway. Hard to believe that there aren’t other more deserving Americans.

Will it be a submarine? Seamen jokes will run rampant.


Maybe they can crew it with the he-she’s, they want to let in!

Sort of makes me want to puke:roll_eyes:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

And people give me heck because I think American Citizens should be able to speak English.

Wonder how bad it can get if Hilary gets elected and follows in obuma’s foot steps?

Why not the Uss Powder Puff? Can you imagine the ridicule among the ranks? The QLBT community can think what they want but this should not be done to our military. Save it for something/anything else. IMO this is as bad as letting Grown men pee in the same bathroom as little girls. Crazy new times we live in.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Fred , Larry; IMHO this stupidity will change maybe sooner than later.
If not changed by man , it will be by the hand of God , He won’t let this abomination continue !!! again my belief and prayers…

George McDonald ; Board Member ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

The vessel to be christened the Harvey Milk is a Navy “oiler”

That’s fitting.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

We can’t talk about current events at our local boat ramps around here but a good gay bashing thread is always welcome.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Harvey Milk served his country as an Ensign in the Navy and was ASSASSINATED because he stood up for what he thought was right. Go ahead, bash away…he was a much better human being than those who choose to criticize him.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

We can’t talk about current events at our local boat ramps around here but a good gay bashing thread is always welcome.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Who’s bashing gay’s? Not me, I just don’t think our Military needs the rainbow stamp on it’s war machines.

Fill me in on what current events we can’t talk about, and I promise I will. That is if you would like me too:smiley:

Really Fritz, what’s going on around the boat ramps that we can’t talk about? Be a sweet heart and tell us all. I’ve had a couple of threads poofed, but only because of others comments.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

You are either very sensitive or have a reading comprehension issue. My post in no way bashed gays and I am well aware of Mr. Milk’s history and tragic assassination. I am not anti-gay or homophobic, nor do I approve of violence against someone because of their sexuality or any other such reason. No where in my post did I “criticize” Mr. Milk. The focus of my post was pointing out how political correctness continues to run amok in our country. My criticism is with the government. I hope that is okay.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’m glad I’m discharged seaman

Our government choose to put gay rights above common sense years ago. This is what our elected officials are trying to alter this country into. It’s the people’s fault for electing these people. Your vote today matters more than ever, even if it doesn’t feel like it. I doubt you’ll be able to recognize America in the next twenty years.

LOL, In the next 20 years, I wont recognize you!

Love Trumps Hate!

Originally posted by poly ball

LOL, In the next 20 years, I wont recognize you!

Love Trumps Hate!

Love Hilary’s lies and hate. ~~~

You’ll still recognize me, if I don’t die first. Or if this sitedoe not gets banned for speaking what ever we feel we want to. Socialism doesn’t like free speech. One of the reasons so many socialist nations are wracked with violent protests and revolutions is because when the rule of law is abandoned, only outlaws have any hope of receiving justice. Just like Hilary did on your unsecure E-mails. At this point in time She’s probably one of the biggest Criminals not receiving justice.

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” – Winston Churchill

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I would be very careful not to drop my soap in that ships shower!

Originally posted by sea tonic

Harvey Milk served his country as an Ensign in the Navy and was ASSASSINATED because he stood up for what he thought was right. Go ahead, bash away…he was a much better human being than those who choose to criticize him.


First ever workplace violence incident, Wounded Knee,SD.