I made a pretty good impression on a gentleman 4 miles down the road from me, and he allowed me to hunt his property this past season. The deer taught me how to kill them better next season. So, next weekend, I’m going to go set it up with a new path to get in undetected in the mornings, and a new shooting lane for evening hunts. Then, I’m gonna let those rascals think everything is just peachy until next season . My plotting begins ha,ha,ha!
This has been my worst yr ever. I am sure the floods were a part of it. The new feeder must have scared the deer as that was always my best spot and I did not see one deer there this year.
My second best spot has almost been as bad. Saw couple chasing right at dark a couple times.
I need your magic touch after season to come up here and figure out what to do.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
We will figure it out after the season. I have some ideas to run by you to help you out. In the meantime, I would just let that front field (the big one) just grow up again during the spring. One idea is to set up that field with a strip like last time, but this time, we won’t bushhog the ancillary growth. It will make them feel safe enough to walk out in the food plot during killing time. You will only get one shot though, so you will have o be picky. We will put the compass on it to so we can set it up with two different stands for different wind directions. That’s one idea.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Takes a while for the deer to get use to the tripod feeders if that is what you are using. Once they do it sure is a lot easier as far as keeping a spot corned up.