The Night Sky

I am talking about the FULL MOON that is almost here. What does the full moon do to the stripers on Lake Murray. I have a idea, but would like to get everyones thoughts on this subject. I know this is gonna turn into a side show. I already know they turn into werewolves and come back from the dead but I want to know about the biggest diffrence in catching them. Thanks

Angler 22
200 Yammie

(Let me preface the below statement with this is what happens to saltwater fishing. Although I think it is probably true of freshwater as well.)

I personally don’t fish much around the full moon. I have always had slower bites and less activity during the day at the full moon cycle. I have tried night fishing during these times and did OK with it, but have not done the night fishing at full moon enough to say it is better than night fishing on the new moon cycle.

Clear as mud…right?

David Padgett
“Take 2”

The full moon night bite can be really strong. The morning after, though I usually can get a limit, the bite is slower and more finicky. Yet, it usually gets back to normal by afternoon. The 3 days before and 3 days after a full moon appear to me to be prime time for bigger fish. Most of the 15-30 pounders I’ve hook up with have come during those periods.

Xpress HB-22
175 Yammy Jammer

So you think the fish feed more at night during the full moon?

(This is what we saltwater guys think happens to offshore fish as well.)

“Most of the 15-30 pounders I’ve hook up with have come during those periods.”

Curse you Fogman! Now I have to go fishing this weekend…:smiley:

David Padgett
“Take 2”
191 Mako

Didn’t say I boated them all-- probably just half:imp: But I have hooked my share:smiley:

Xpress HB-22
175 Yammy Jammer