The Temperature Is Heating Up So Is The Bite

Ventured out Sunday as the Sun was rising to go chase some fish on the flats. We quickly found out that the temperature has started to disperse the fish. Areas we usually see hundreds of fish we only saw 10-20. We threw the fly rod for a few hours only having one hookup and ended up bending the hook out.
We decided to head up a few creeks and beat on some docks. We received some new J&T EZ Split Ring Rigs this week in the shop and I decided to try some out. They are awesome, simply put whatever hook you want on a 1/4 or 1/2oz Gumball and fish away. That’s your whole rig, it helped me be more targeted with my cast due to my weight being on one part of the line.

Also broke in my new custom rod that I built over the past month, it is awesome paired up with a 1000 size reel.

Great day on the water. Saw tons of bait too.

Nice! Thanks for the info!:smiley:

God Bless,
Capt Buddy Bizzell
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

“Come follow me.” Jesus said “I will make you a fisher of men.”
Matthew 4:19

Good deal, Simon. Good to see you gettin’ to fish. Y’all still running that deal on the Symetre’s?

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Interesting looking rig you got there…im guessing live bait? Where can i find that setup?

Yes live bait. Mud minnows that day fished Peanut manhaden today with success. We carry them at Haddrell’s Point West.

experience noun \ik-#712;spir–#601;n(t)s

  1. the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation

  2. that thing you get just moments after you needed it.

Nice report I will be by the shop to check those out.

Nice rpt

Nice looking fish. Thanks for the good news!

Keep your lines tight and remember. Respect the fish and your fellow fisherman. Know the Code.


Rig is very similar to what they fish old drum in Pamlico Sound with (I use it here too for over-slots).

The weight that close really limits the fish from swallowing the hook and all hook-ups are corner of the mouth!

Great fishing.

Thanks for the info…i’ll have to grab a few at Haddrells next time im there.

Nice man, new stick looks great.

Henny. The new stick is AWESOME. I already have two more on order and not sure they will be going to me. Those are gone after I let a few people fish the rod.

experience noun \ik-#712;spir–#601;n(t)s

  1. the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation

  2. that thing you get just moments after you needed it.