The Weeping City

If anyone would like to read it, I put my thoughts on this on my blog today. Keep in mind that my blog is written distinctly by a Christian, for Christians to read, but obviously I appreciate anyone seeing it.

I’ve lived in SC for nearly all of my life. I grew up about a half-hour drive from the lake that Susan Smith drowned her kids in, and I remember how every city around Union, SC suffered and wept. My mother worked at the courthouse where she was booked and jailed. Mom was right down the hall from the murderer. It creeped me out, even though my mom was always right down the hall from murderers. But this murderer had not only killed two children, but had robbed an entire state and nation of some measure of decency and dignity.

I love Charleston so very much, it causes me so much pain to see how she’s suffered lately.

Are my fellow white folks ready to be peacemakers? Are my fellow Christians who are black ready to be peacemakers? We can debate politics all day long, and there’s an appropriate time for that, but this racial/political divide that separates us from being brothers and sisters in Christ to each other simply has to be torn down. It’s an accursed idol that needs to be cast out, and we need to learn how to grieve for and with each other even if we disagree on politics.

Lord, give us an army of peacemakers.

Amen. Great article, brother.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.