These crazy tides...

Got out to the flat i usually hit 2.5 hours before high tide. There was already almost too much water. Had about 30 minutes to fish before it got too deep. Saw 5 or 6 tailers and had my shot at one but broke the fly off on the first run. Serious angler error there…crappy knot.

Thanks to Mad Mike for the crab pattern he designed. The fish inhaled it.

These tides are nuts!!! I was at Bushy Park on Tuesdaya nd dead low tide looked like a high flood tide normally… I have never seen so much water or such a fast current out there… So when are we gonna get back to regular tides so we can gripe and complain about not enough water :wink: hahahaha

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
Charleston Director-
Tarpon 160os

yeah we were way up the Pee Dee river carrying 12 volt marine batteries in 15 inches of water and a bunch of mud into the cypress swamp. it was the highest and longest i have seen water on those islands. i was too dead to fish and the high was too late anyway. yeah it was kinda nasty.

these tides are so strong, every day theres a ton of water dumping into the pond behind my house. its mostly freshwater but theres pipes that lead into the marsh on the wando. all the bass inthere are waitin for shrimp and stuff to come out. after the waters done dumpin in there you can look into the hater and see a ton of tiny grass shrimp gettin attacked by a bunch of bass and bream eatin em. i was fishin the othr day, we got out at dead low and after 1-2 hrs it was high enough for fish to be tailin