They are on fire

96 qts in two days three hours a piece
Going for another 48 tomorrow

if you dont mind me asking were you in charleston or bulls bay?

jw grooms

ultrasonic fuel injector and flow testing services

here is what we are doing…( can’t give up the spot, want it to be there when we show up)

show up at 5:30
2- 2.5 feet of water sandy bottom at low tide
Set poles
bait the last pole with 2 balls
around 6:15-6:30 start throwing on that pole in 10 min intervals
as soon as you get 8-10 shrimp bait the rest and start throwing
we have been throwing 2 balls per a pole but i think that I am going to try 3-4 and see if it speeds things up.
We have been topping off the cooler in 6-9 passes

they will start running just as the sun goes down
and seem to be doing so in groups
we were pulling poles and another group came through they were jumping everywhere
ultrasonic fuel injector and flow testing services

i have been in the bay several times when the shrimp are like that. it is so fun to see them jumping everywhere. even a bad throw would bring shrimp up on the outside of the net. hope they are like that in the middle of this week. finally getting to go.

Thanks for the info i havnt been there in about a week they were slow the last time i went.