This caught me off guard

You’re a big cheerleader for kids, and that is a wonderful thing, we need more folks doing the same.

However, I have yet to hear you mention anything about the number one killer of children in the United States ? Guns…they are killing more kids today than automobile accidents.

For decades, auto accidents have been the leading cause of death among children, but in 2020 guns were the No. 1 cause, researchers say.

Overall firearm-related deaths increased 13.5% between 2019 and 2020, but such fatalities for those 1 to 19 years old jumped nearly 30%, according to a research letter in New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers analyzed data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that there were a record 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the U.S. in 2020.

Did your “analyzed data” mention how many of those deaths were suicide?

And, did they mention any concern about the recent uptick in Myocarditis deaths, in our children?

A chart showing that most gun deaths by U.S. kids are homicides while most among adults are suicides.

Conclusion: Myocarditis represents almost 3% of all sudden pediatric deaths. Enterovirus and parvovirus were the most common viruses. This retrospective analysis showed that patients experienced viral symptoms but remained unsuspected, highlighting the need for more clinical awareness of myocarditis.

National Library of Medicine

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Another Paul Harvey moment

What I’d like you to respond to is how do city yutes get enough money to legally purchase a firearm?

aren’t guns illegal in cities and other gun free zones?

I’m sure bolbie has a solution

All I can say, is Touche for Bay. Hehehe!!!


Thank you sir. Now to this new issue you bring up. I have no doubt all the thugs across our country randomly shooting with illegal guns kill a lot of babies. I know a few right here in walterboro killed by guns… but… this is what I’m seeing… I don’t see how thugs with guns and careless parents storing them are killing more than the below percentages. Not sure how you grew up, but Me and all my friends had guns in the house and were taught the dangers of them.

12% of deaths – Preterm births and neonatal disorders

10% of deaths – Diarrheal diseases

9% of deaths – Congenital defects

45% of deaths – Infectious diseases

24% other… to include dog attacks, guns, automobile crashes, etc.

I’d love to go further and mention different sets of rules for gun regulations, but that would just rile up individuals and get this removed. Please let’s keep this civil, Good information and a good thread here.

Say what you want Fred.

Just keep it apolitical, if you can?

Fairly easy not to go off into the weeds, if you try.

Political posts will go into the Changing Room!

Thanks for your effort,


MN, Fred is not your child, so a couple of y’all should stop addressing him as such.

The Mod Squad, lol, comes close on some topics too.

Actually, I have a Kudo’s to Fred on being classy on his reply to the stupid remark EF made.
Just my useless thoughts…


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My first post, as a Moderator, was addressed to Fred, and Easy.

Looks like nothing has changed?

Political Posts go in the Changing Room!

I’m not here to “Babysit”!

We all know the rules, just that Fred, and, Easy, like to skirt them!!

Politics will be closed, if they keep it up!

MN, I could care less about your first post.

If you aren’t here to babysit, then quit.

Good grief man…quit with the ego trip a couple of you are on.


Look at what Bay posted above…Perfect…


Ego? LMAO!!!

Play by the rules, or go home!


Which stupid remark? I make lots of them

Be specific please, as there were a couple threads going on late last night at the same time


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and yet here ya are! I don’t try to skirt the rules, so please stop saying I do. Just a small few that get offended when ANY thing political comes up. Good gracious that’s just life my friend. I don’t see where the “sound of Freedom” thread about Child abuse needed to be moved. If anything maybe a reply deleted? Can y’all do that?


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