This could have been your mom

That’s my great aunt. Timmy shot at least one of them. Dont think the one that got away will be coming back any time soon.

It ain’t always black folks either.

First, Most, Biggest

Timmy, needs to go to the range more often:face_with_head_bandage:

I’m just glad Tommy was around. I follow that youtube channel and you would be surprised at all the old folks that get attracted.

Here is another local story for ya.

Breezy,you see this one by chance?

Originally posted by poke salad

Breezy,you see this one by chance?

I did, and this is sad for our community. I also saw this

Now I’ve been pulled over by the police, even harassed in my younger days. But I never attacked one and then try to trot away.

This is in no way relevant to the other videos. Those people where 100% innocent.