
Watching the news and police shootings are getting out of control. Its a brotherhood…but if brothers do not weed out the bad seeds it seems that the good officers will bear the burden. I really hope this crap stops soon.

It’s just going to get worse. It is by the day. People seem to have gone crazy on both sides of the law.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

There has always been bad cops and some even worse, the majority good. Now there is actual proof with smartphones that we do indeed have bad cops, that just gives the hoodlums more reason to lash out at police in general. ? I’m a white guy and I’ve had one very bad experiences from law enforcement. Edit: but I was in the wrong and deserved the attention from the law. Most everyone that has had a run in with a “bad” cop was probably doing something wrong. Behave, don’t talk back, show em your hands, don’t try and run and you have no worries.

Why anyone would want to randomly try to slaugter law enforcement needs to be put down like a cure dog. The picture and video taking is putting an end to corrupt cops. imo

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Fred67 Most everyone that has had a run in with a "bad" cop was probably doing something wrong. Behave, don't talk back, show em your hands, don't try and run and you have no worries.

In all fairness, we are all humans. And the last time I checked, ALL men are created equally and we are all innocent until proven guilty. Not some; all of us. Why should you or I or anyone have to kiss the feet of law enforcement just because someone gave them the authority? I try to treat all people with respect including law enforcement, but I’ve personally seen the way some LEOs approach private citizens and it is appauling at times. Its certainly the minority, but it still exists and it exists everywhere. We have a serious cancer growing in this country and it has been for a long time. How do you cure it? I have no idea, but telling people that if they happen to have an interaction with police, that they have to act like an enemy of war isn’t the answer. This isn’t Nazi Germany. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We still have rights for now…I don’t want to ever live in America and not have my rights.

I agree, our organized law enforcment and local governements need to do something to weed out the cancer. They will not do anything until the local communities stand up to these wrongdoings. Doing that unfortunately is going to be a long and painful process I’m afraid.

I think it starts with recruitment. If you can get 18 year olds to sign up for the military, then why can’t we get the same guys for the pd. Let’s face it police around SC are traffic control. Anyone who’s ever had to rely on them knows this all to well. The whole system needs an enema.

Traffic control and unecessary tax collectors.

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I agree, our organized law enforcment and local governements need to do something to weed out the cancer. They will not do anything until the local communities stand up to these wrongdoings. Doing that unfortunately is going to be a long and painful process I’m afraid.

I really think the recent video from local bystanders with modern technology has kicked the long process right in the rear end. Bad cops can no longer be ignored and from here out are on a short leash to the gas tank.

Now is the time more than ever to support our men in Blue against the scum of this country. ANYONE plotting to target a Man in Blue or actually doing so, should be put down quickly.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

There are bad guys in ever profession, not just your police force. Seems that politicians are the biggest crooks around and guest what, they get to “police” themselves and look at the “punishments” they dole out to themselves! What a joke.

Originally posted by harryd

Watching the news and police shootings are getting out of control. Its a brotherhood…but if brothers do not weed out the bad seeds it seems that the good officers will bear the burden. I really hope this crap stops soon.

The problem is that for a long time cops have been more worried about protecting their coworkers than the citizens. Sometimes they just lose their minds. Remember when the hunt for the cop killer in California?

Looking for a large black male in a different truck they shoot two Chinese ladies trying to deliver papers in the morning 103 time, nobody goes to jail or loses their job. Completely ridiculous. First of all they were way over in their response to a “loud noise”, I doubt the Chinese grandma was pitching fastballs that morning. Second, they thought it was appropriate to shoot 103 rounds at a truck in the middle of a neighborhood, a truck that clearly had no muzzleflash of shooting back. Then luckily they are such poor shots that two people in the truck live through 103 shots by “trained” officers. And despite this massive amount of neglect the only ones to receive any punishment for the ladies that got shot and the $4.3 million in tax payer money the citizens had to dole out.

How can the people trust cops if they are not held accountable for deeds like this?

The camera will certainly help but these guys need to be prosecuted too.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

How can the people trust cops if they are not held accountable for deeds like this?

The camera will certainly help but these guys need to be prosecuted too.

No doubt Great White, hard to trust anyone thats not held accountable for doing wrong. IMO, just gives them more reason to keep it up.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”