Thursday 6/7 Mahi Blitz

Got a chance to head offshore with Ed, his son Josh and my brother Ben.We left out of ripely at 5am, headed for the 226 hole. Smooth seas all the way out , dropped lines about 5 miles east of 226 hole. Water temp 77.45, scatttered weeds everywhere .Trolled for a hour with nothing, then a big bull crushed the naked hoo on the long rigger,ended up being my brothers personal best mahi. Action never stopped after that, triple knock downs all day, we went thru 4 packs of ballyhoo and put 29 phins in the box. We released and missed just as many. Around 11:30 we had 2 sails free jumping beside the boat , great sight to see! We stopped at the ledge around 2:30pm to see if we could raise a hoo, it was dead water, headed for the hill, ran 40mph home! Thanks again to Ed for the invite!

Color- didn’t matter
Depth -1400 ft
Temp 77.45-79, never saw the 81-82 water we were looking for

24ft Cape Horn
Twin 200 Yamaha’s

You are welcome. We will do it again soon.

Looks like a murder scene.

Yes it did.