Ticked off

Found an OLD 4.5 hp mercury on craigslist. Man stated motor had a corroded piston and only wanted $30. I figured what the heck and decided to take a chance on it. Contacted him on Wednesday evening and set a time to pick it up at 9 this morning. The wife and I get up and head that way. Had to go almost to Cainhoy on Clements Ferry Rd. We get almost to his house and he calls at 8:45 and says he decided to let someone else have the motor. The reason was he wanted to make sure it was going to someone that needed it and would use it. I told him I had a 1960’s aluminum 12’ boat that hardly weighs anything and would definitely put the motor to use. He then started making excuses and suggested I check the rating on the boat and look for an appropriate motor.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

I hate to tell you this, but if you find a “good deal” on a Wednesday and wait until Saturday to go get it 9 times out of 10 somebody else will beat you to it. I’ve bought and sold a ton of stuff on Craigslist and if I had a dollar for every time somebody said they were coming and didn’t show I could buy beer for the next 6 months.

I totally understand that Salty. I asked him when I could pick it up and HE suggested Saturday at 9am. Now if I tell you we can meet a certain day and have second thoughts I would at least call the day before and make some excuse not 15 minutes before time. I guess it would have been better if I had called before we left the house. I almost went to his house and tried to talk to him But decided to be smart and go home to keep from doing or saying something stupid. I’m not one to beg and always try to avoid trouble. Yeah we drove 15 miles one way but chalk that up as a morning joy ride. May have been different if we had to drive from Summerville or some where further.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

So few people can be taken at their word anymore. If I tell you it’s yours, then it is yours. Sorry that happened.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

CC ; hate to hear it happened , just a sign of the decline of morals in todays world… :frowning_face::frowning_face::frowning_face:

George McDonald ; Board Member ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Sorry it happened as well, regardless of the college football team you may or may not pull for. However, if you expected a courtesy call, from a stranger, in Cainhoy, over $30… Come on man.


17 Malibu CC
88 'rude

NCT, I didn’t expect it but it would have been nice if he would have texted and say he decided to keep it instead of waiting until 15 minutes before I was supposed to be there to call and give me the runaround. What the heck, I’ll find a motor somewhere that hopefully I can afford.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Ive had similar experiences on Craigslist, I like the ones where they email you to ask if you still have the item that is listed available, and you reply back yes almost immediately, and hear nothing back. Have gotten like 50 of those. Its like WTF, why did you even bother sending the email? Yeah, thats real sh…ty of him to not at least text you that morning or the night before to tell you he changed his mind/had other plans. Typical of some people now days, live in the moment with little regard for others. Doesnt surprise me though, there are a big percentage of people out there with this same mentality.