Tidal / current movements play a huge role in how we all dissect our waterways and backwaters in search of inshore predator fish like redfish, sea trout, etc… What are your preferred tides to target an area and how does current movement affect your decision making?
I know for me when searching for sea trout, when tidal currents are stronger than usual, I will target areas that usually have less current and vice versa.

Trout like deeper water and structure this time of year with lots of current. I like to put a live bait under a cork and let it drift by rocks and pilings and i normally find the trout
Evant T.
Troll paddle tails at low tide for trout, also trout trick deep at low or high, flounder on banks both low and high, top water for reds at low… all kinds of options. Live bait under a cork 2’ down in 3’ water low or high… the beat goes on
Capt. Garry Coats
Folly Beach & CHS
I like to target the mouths of creeks the last couple hrs of falling tide and float MM over oyster flats on higher stages of the tide both incoming and outgoing…
George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown