Tigress 10/4/11 - Hard Work Pays Off (vid/pics)

Got an email last Friday stating that golden tilefish would be closed Oct. 6 at 12:01AM. I immediately started looking at the weather forecasts. North winds over 10 knots as far out as I could see.

I cannot say that I was surprised. The commercial golden tilefish fishery was closed back in March because theyd hit their annual catch limit. I knew the recreational fishery would be closed at some point because of guesstimated overages (Florida) ; I just didnt know itd be on such short notice.

I should have gone after these fish sooner. I was waiting for the perfect conditions I guess. They dont come along often, and if they do then I likely cannot go on that particular day.

Id been reading as much literature as I possibly could about golden tilefish for nearly a year now, and Circle Hook and I planned on going out and figuring them out this fall. I sent Circle Hook a message and told him he had to get off work Monday or else wed never get another chance. (more on this later)

I get responses of, Ive got to see what I can do. Then, eventually, I cant. So I keep watching the forecast and keep hoping it will get better. I knew exactly whats happened every time Ive gone fishing after hoping in that kind of regard, but I blocked it out.

Hours of research and slight hints dropped by old salts are what I was remembering more of than what N-NE winds over 15kts feel like. I think for just a second, maybe even two seconds, I thought about how hard itd be to deep drop in that kind of wind with the gulf stream current running against it.

The forecast for Monday, which was the best forecasted day before October 6, 2011 12:01AM, didnt get better. Friday afternoon came around, and I did my best to let go of the work and prayers having anything to do with golden tilefish. I knew they were still open after many other deep water species had been closed (beyond 240ft, i.e. a line drawn on a chart marking where snowies, blueline tiles, and a few others could not be possessed). I also knew the state record slot f

got some great numbers i could have given


nice article and movie

Thanks for the invite, I had a great time!

I remember thinking when we started heading back to shallow water “it’s gonna be a loonnnnnggg ride home”

Cape Horn 24OS
twin 150 Optimax

I don’t want to be rich,
I just want 1 dollar more than I can spend!

Great report. Looks like you had a great time. I couldn’t find anyone to go Tuesday so we took our daughter to the childrens museum instead.

26 Regulator FS “Miss Ella Pearl”

great report and congrats!

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

I felt badly defeated Friday. Saying that I was frustrated would be a huge understatement. I hadn’t even been able to try yet.

I owe you, Brian. Thank you again for going out there with me.

Big change in our moods after we had just two 10-12lb fish in the boat! Some may not think it’s a big deal, and I know that it isn’t really to most. It was to me though, and I hope everyone reading gets to feel what I feel after everything that happened (except how it feels when you cannot fish for what you love fishing for anymore because of federal fisheries management problems). The fish species or body of water doesn’t matter. The challenges and the fishing are what matter.

Someone sent me this just now.

This was inshore at the 41004 where it was calmer. If you had told me we could do this in my boat in this kind of weather before Tuesday I would have laughed.

I guess we were blessed more than we deserve once again. Hard work and patience does pay off usually I’ve learned. Maybe I’m just stubborn. I think we get more than we deserve every day, though… especially when we get to go fishing.

Don’t take it for granted. Believe me, you’ll regret it.



Luke 8:22-25

Great trip and report. I agree that researching and stalking without being shown or taught is extremely rewarding. Thank God for the internet.

It ain’t no mystery…this beer’s history!

Great report Phin. I really hated missing this trip.

Nice report…could we get a volunteer to do a “Cliff’s Notes” or “Reader’s Digest” version of future posts??? Just saying…but still a great read.



Originally posted by Captain Mitch

Nice report…could we get a volunteer to do a “Cliff’s Notes” or “Reader’s Digest” version of future posts??? Just saying…but still a great read.



Clif’s Notes for those who only have 45 seconds:


Wanted to catch a golden tilefish badly for nearly a year. Wasn’t sure if I could do it or not unless conditions offshore were favorable and I had enough time to figure them out. The government finally made me go try in conditions significantly different from what I’d planned. It was a bit unpleasant at times, but we had success thanks to powers immeasurably greater than our own and us not giving up on our goal.



Luke 8:22-25

My shoulder’s a little sore today. I hate to think about how it would feel if we had caught one of those 50 pounders!

Cape Horn 24OS
twin 150 Optimax

I don’t want to be rich,
I just want 1 dollar more than I can spend!

Should have on a haddrells hat . Scotts the man

I’m so Charleston i got spanish moss on my balls!!

I made it through college on Cliff’s Notes…your’s are the better then most.



Congrats on the tilefish! Btw Wesley I live in Charlotte and in today paper in the outdoors section they had a column about your hogfish. Congrats big time on that!

-Wishes Charlotte was 3 hours closer to the ocean…-

Originally posted by SaltwaterAddict

Congrats on the tilefish! Btw Wesley I live in Charlotte and in today paper in the outdoors section they had a column about your hogfish. Congrats big time on that!

-Wishes Charlotte was 3 hours closer to the ocean…-

Wes is famous, he was even named in the dolphin research newsletter this month with one of his tagged dolphin being recovered in Norfolk Va!

Cape Horn 24OS
twin 150 Optimax

I don’t want to be rich,
I just want 1 dollar more than I can spend!

Originally posted by brianh

Wes is famous, he was even named in the dolphin research newsletter this month with one of his tagged dolphin being recovered in Norfolk Va!

Cape Horn 24OS
twin 150 Optimax

I don’t want to be rich,
I just want 1 dollar more than I can spend!

When in Rome, the Romans do as he does!

Just sayin…:smiley:

Nice job guys!

Brian, I warned you he is a machine. You made catch more fish with someone else but you will never work harder for them.:wink:

Set the trap boys, we going to pass through them again!!

Had a hard time finding a crew? My phone never had an incoming from “smackdown”. Just sayin

Originally posted by bully

Had a hard time finding a crew? My phone never had an incoming from “smackdown”. Just sayin


26 Regulator FS “Miss Ella Pearl”

Are guys with a 26’ regulator and 33’ magic carpet telling me they’d go fishing on the tigress with 15kt winds in the forecast?




Luke 8:22-25