We have had much discussion on what to plant. I want to know when you guys plant.
My thought has been to have food source ready on opening day.
I am planting soy beans and sunflower this year.
when I planted soy beans in another food plot yrs ago, it never got higher than 12" as deer ate it so fast.
Im done with early planting,and its perfectly fine.Strict herd management has our deer population exploding.Concentrating on brassica and cereal grains for fall/winter,when there is no browse available.Early planting is labor intensive and costly when the deer don’t let anything get above two sets of leaves.The only thing left are weed seeds,then herbicide must be used,or a moisture consuming discing.Deer will stay away from a field sprayed with herbicide for about 6-8 days,so that’s not helping.I have tried Poconite,Milorganite,Plot Saver,hot fence,capstan…and so on,it all eventually fails and it only takes one night to get destroyed.
Rape,purple top turnip have done really well as well as wheat,naked oats,and rye.All can take a browsing during the season,and still make something beneficial in the very end.
All of my fall crops go in first week of October,weather permitting.
Cheap Summer Plant May- June > Pre Season Plant August > Mid Season Plant Sept- November. Try to keep something in the ground all year. And Rotate plots too.
>=<((((o> Miller Time >=<((((o>