TMJ, any of y'all had it??

Had a month long sinus infection, constant drainage in throat, ear and neck pain along with headaches at times that would come and go along with a noticeable lose of hearing in left ear. Finally diagnosed by the ENT Doc. Did the 14 day regiment of Amoxacillin and seems to have cleared that up. Along with Flonase spray.

Did hearing test and left ear had issues. Seems better now to some degree but, he said I had TMJ after pressing around my jaw near ears. Also ordered an MRI of brain (waiting on results)to check things out about hearing…when I asked why MRI, he said making sure no growth pressing on nerve affecting ear…yikes??

Hope this goes away, but when it kicks in, pretty painful and at times with ringing in ears.

Curious of what others experiences have been, if you’ve dealt with this??


Went to the ENT a couple weeks ago. Pressure on right ear. Prescribed Flonase and made an appointment for hearing test. Apparently me and flonad do not get along. Ended up at the hospital with BP 145 over 120. Pulse 120. Back to the ENT Monday.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Similar symptoms…from sinus infection, ear ache, sharp pain under ear towards neck, ringing in ear, slight hearing loss. Took antibiotics and infection went away. Pain went away. Hearing gradually came back to where, by hearing test, everything back to normal. It took several months for the whole thing to clear up.

Thanks, hope it goes away, soon!!

OTC, good luck with that…


you got me thinking now.I’m definitely going to mention MRI to ENT Monday. I get an MRI and EEG every June. Maybe just move it up. Kill two birds with one stone.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

once you get on Medacare they will do so many tests it’ll make you sick!