Top Ten Weaknesses in Homeschooling

Ten. Socialization – This is not as big an issue as home schooling opponents make it out to be. The lack of socialization opportunities afforded by regular attendance of brick and mortar schools was not a big hindrance to the life and ministries of Jesus or the Apostles Peter, James, and John. It did not impede the success of Abraham Lincoln or a long list of accomplished Americans including Ansel Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Louisa May Alcott, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Franklin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Michelle Kwan, Tim Tebow, Woodrow Wilson, or Laura Ingalls Wilder. Reduced socialization did not obstruct accomplishments of Europeans including Queen Elizabeth II, Ernst Mach, Erwin Schrodinger, C.S. Lewis, and Wolfgang Motzart. Yet, it must be acknowledged that home schooled students in the 21st century have less opportunities to interact with peers than students at brick and mortar schools, and there is a concomitant risk of lower social development.
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Are you a sponsor on this site?

I didn’t see Messia Michael on the sponsor page. Others get a chapped ass for spamming, you just keep right on.

Originally posted by poly ball

Are you a sponsor on this site?

I didn’t see Messia Michael on the sponsor page. Others get a chapped ass for spamming, you just keep right on.

totally agree…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

It's like the people who hate it the most keep clicking on the topic like they have no self-control...
Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

nothing to do with homeschooling. Those who are here selling products have joined the sponsor page. How is it fair to scold the guy selling custom fishing rods, or shrimp poles on a fishing website? But, some bible thumper come around selling the Messiah Michael and homeschooling, clearly is not on the sponsor page, and he's allowed to continue? That is not fair nor is it right.
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

It's like the people who hate it the most keep clicking on the topic like they have no self-control...

don’t mess up and get butt paste on your bible.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

It's like the people who hate it the most keep clicking on the topic like they have no self-control...

I’d talk about it if I didn’t have to go off to some sketchy page to read the full post.

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

It's like the people who hate it the most keep clicking on the topic like they have no self-control...

don’t mess up and get butt paste on your bible.

Such an intelligent response from a "grown up"... I'm just glad that we have hall monitors like you around to police the site. Who knows what this site would be like without you on here. That being said, it would be awesome to find out!!!
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

It's like the people who hate it the most keep clicking on the topic like they have no self-control...

don’t mess up and get butt paste on your bible.

Such an intelligent response from a "grown up"... I'm just glad that we have hall monitors like you around to police the site. Who knows what this site would be like without you on here. That being said, it would be awesome to find out!!!
Yeah sure pal, OK.

Be sure to teach your children the difference between right and wrong, clearly you have issues here.

Originally posted by poly ball

Yeah sure pal, OK.

Be sure to teach your children the difference between right and wrong, clearly you have issues here.

Man, if you keep these posts up, you might get poster of the year. You are really making deep connections with your audience.

I especially like how you talk about “butt paste” and then ask me to teach my kids about “right and wrong”. I’m curious, at what age did you teach your kids about “butt paste”? Is there some sort of rule of thumb? Also, we don’t use that in my house. Can you tell us more about the product? Do they make it with extra flouride? Also, should I teach my kids to patrol websites and call out to the moderator every time someone reads a post they don’t like? You don’t think that will get them bullied or picked on? I dunno… It just seems like only the kids who need the extra attention, do stuff like that. What do you think about that?

You all should realize that you are playing into LDB’s hands. He knows his creationist science (snicker) views will generate some controversy. And when people read the thread they will go to his pseudo-science website to find out what all the fuss is about. You could call it “self induced spamming”.

And yes, I fell for it the first go round, but quickly wised up. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I wasn’t fooled twice.



I have him on ignore. Unfortunately I can see what he/she posts when you guys quote him.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I kind of like the long hair, looks allot like the Messiah himself :smiley:

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by DFreedom

What have y’all got against home schooling?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

It's like the people who hate it the most keep clicking on the topic like they have no self-control...

don’t mess up and get butt paste on your bible.

Such an intelligent response from a "grown up"... I'm just glad that we have hall monitors like you around to police the site. Who knows what this site would be like without you on here. That being said, it would be awesome to find out!!!
Yeah sure pal, OK.

Be sure to teach your children the difference between right and wrong, clearly you have issues here.

Poly, tell me, when people complain about gay marriage, libs are the first to say “if you don’t like it, don’t marry a gay.” Well if you don’t like this, don’t click. W

I actually read the article. LDB is a proponent of homeschooling, but I couldn’t find anywhere on his site that was selling anything besides ideas and opinions. If selling ideas and opinions requires one to be a sponsor, then almost all of us need to become sponsors.

Anyone want to discuss the actual content of the article?

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

I find it annoying because this is one of multiple posts about the same thing. Just put in a different wrapper.

I recall my middle school years at a private Baptist school and they were a little heavy on the witnessing. I never got comfortable with it - always thought that folk’s religious convictions or lack thereof were something between them and what they perceive as God.


Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poly ball

Yeah sure pal, OK.

Be sure to teach your children the difference between right and wrong, clearly you have issues here.

Man, if you keep these posts up, you might get poster of the year. You are really making deep connections with your audience.

I especially like how you talk about “butt paste” and then ask me to teach my kids about “right and wrong”. I’m curious, at what age did you teach your kids about “butt paste”? Is there some sort of rule of thumb? Also, we don’t use that in my house. Can you tell us more about the product? Do they make it with extra flouride? Also, should I teach my kids to patrol websites and call out to the moderator every time someone reads a post they don’t like? You don’t think that will get them bullied or picked on? I dunno… It just seems like only the kids who need the extra attention, do stuff like that. What do you think about that?

You have children, correct? Then you should be familiar too bad if y'all don't use it, great product for the little ones.

Skinnie Jahy, do tell me, is it fair for one man to be allowed to sell his product here, but run the other off?