Trail Cam Pics 2015

Pretty cool how that doe is only mildly interested in that snake. I think the snakes hang out around corn piles to catch rats or maybe even squirrels. I shot two bobcats last season looking for squirrels around my corn. Those are some cool pics.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

My problem now is looking out for this stupid thing while I deliver the corn once a week. I know they are everywhere probably, but having evidence makes it worse somehow.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Ah…the rattle snake will let you know it is there. Worry about a cotton mouth before worrying about the rattle snake. The rattle snake don’t want anything to do wit you either. It is a big one too, so unless your hearing is very bad, you will hear it if you get too close. Oh, and wear some good snake boots and take your shotgun with you.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

This is not a trail cam pic. I took this pic with my phone yesterday. I just went to sit in the stand for a little while to have a quiet spot and to see what was coming out. This doe came out, and soon after (not enough light for the phone) 7 more piled out of the bushes. Two were little fawns that were bouncing around playing with a couple of the older does. They were fun to watch, and they didn’t have a clue I was there, nor did they know I left because of the way I have the stand situated.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Looks like your going to have a few nice bucks as well as aa couple interesting looking racks once they finish growing

Get out There!

I have a new spot that I have permission to hunt this coming deer season. Deer are starting to show up. Does and little bucks so far in the last two weeks. This new spot has not been hunted in over 4 years, so I’m excited to see what shows up. In the end, I’m sure something of good size will be following that pretty doe in October.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Nice snake cam.

I’m surprised your deer eat the corn in the summer. We don’t fee ours in summer because we take the feeders down for turkey season and don’t re-install until august. But they don’t really start eating it until the temperature starts dropping around late September anyway.

First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all

We don’t hunt turkeys, so we keep feeders going all year and only time we see less eating is during the acorn drop. Other than that they pretty much eat the same all year.

Ricky 1
Timber 0

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

NICE!!! Now, you don’t have to worry about that one anymore.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Would make a nice necklace and belt, but I’d probably need two skins
to go around my fat butt.:smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

and no one’s called you a sissy yet!

glad that one’s out of the picture.

I counted 3 pics with the canebrake. Did I miss any?

I have probably 50 over the last several weeks of him in and around the corn pile. One of them, he was trying to climb that tree!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by skinneej

I counted 3 pics with the canebrake. Did I miss any?

I counted 4!

Amazing how fast their antlers grow.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

That stupid rattlesnake climbing up the tree…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

All of that is terrifying…

Peapod will kick you in the shins for posting that clown picture; know that.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire