Trail Cam Pics 2015

I’ve been doing a lot more maintenance/prepping/planning this year than I ever have before. This year I planted almost 4 acres of cowpeas and I plan to supplement this with soy beans later on. With the little bit of rain that we’ve had out my way, I’m pleased with the results so far. This is about two weeks in the ground and they are already reaching the 5-6" mark. Seems as though the deer have found them too. I went a little large on the plots because I’ve never done it before and I really wanted to just put something in the groud to keep them close and heathy. They’re bedding down pretty good on my place now and I’m trying to keep it that way. The back 35 acres or so don’t get any human traffic. I’m trying to keep that as much of a santuary as possible. I know that’s not a big area, but I think any little bit helps.

I’ve been steady putting out 40-50 lbs of corn weekly since April to keep them around and they’ve been hammering it all summer. It seems as though the corn consumption is slowing with the addition of the cowpeas, but they are still eating it regularly. Got a good deal on corn locally and bought 1100 lbs. By the way I’m going through it, I think that should last me several more months. Of course that depends on how much they want to consume I guess.

It seems I spooked the more mature bucks off with all the tilling/planting, but hopefully they’re still in the area and I’m just not getting them on camera. Still seeing lots of grown deer tracks all over the property. I’m seeing a bunch of does and its been fun following this mom and her two little fawns over the last few weeks too. Hopefully they’ll grow up to be big and healthy bucks someday.

No more signs of rattlesnakes, hopefully I don’t run into any more anytime soon. :smiley:

A few from the trailcam:


That looks great, Ricky.

BTW, im guessing that the transmission R/W is SCE & G?? Just wondering if they have a program like Ga. Power that will actually assist you in the planting of those areas??

Just a thought, as it could save ya some $$.

Google Project Wings to see what i’m talking about if you wish.

Good luck on the hunting!


If you find out there is a similar program in SC I would love to know what it’s called.

First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all

Dang snake has a sidearm, that makes them TWICE as dangerous!! Glad you got the drop on him before he was able to draw!!

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Ricky 1
Timber 0

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Originally posted by DoubleN

That looks great, Ricky.

BTW, im guessing that the transmission R/W is SCE & G?? Just wondering if they have a program like Ga. Power that will actually assist you in the planting of those areas??

Just a thought, as it could save ya some $$.

Google Project Wings to see what i’m talking about if you wish.

Good luck on the hunting!


I know they will till it if we don’t, but I’m not too sure about planting. We’ve had problems years ago with SCEG employees hanging out and taking advantage of having that right of way. Rather than deal with the good ole boy system, we take care of it ourselves. I have a caretaker that tills/clean roads/mows/plants for me. He’s the only one allowed out there besides my family. It just works best for us this way.

They do still come in about once a year maybe to trim the trees off the power lines; that’s a job I don’t want and a tough one.
Its a shame you can’t really trust anyone these days.

We talked about planting sunflowers/millet underneath one of the power lines for the doves, but this being the first year I’ve really planted anything substantial, I wanted to go simple. If this works out we might plant for doves next season.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Good deal, just wanted to share some info.

Also, what do you mean by, hanging out, and dealing with the good ole boy system??

Chute em up!


Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by DoubleN

That looks great, Ricky.

BTW, im guessing that the transmission R/W is SCE & G?? Just wondering if they have a program like Ga. Power that will actually assist you in the planting of those areas??

Just a thought, as it could save ya some $$.

Google Project Wings to see what i’m talking about if you wish.

Good luck on the hunting!


I know they will till it if we don’t, but I’m not too sure about planting. We’ve had problems years ago with SCEG employees hanging out and taking advantage of having that right of way. Rather than deal with the good ole boy system, we take care of it ourselves. I have a caretaker that tills/clean roads/mows/plants for me. He’s the only one allowed out there besides my family. It just works best for us this way.

They do still come in about once a year maybe to trim the trees off the power lines; that’s a job I don’t want and a tough one.
Its a shame you can’t really trust anyone these days.

We talked about planting sunflowers/millet underneath one of the power lines for the doves, but this being the first year I’ve really planted anything substantial, I wanted to go simple. If this works out we might plant for doves next season.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

if you are wanting to do a bird plot try some sesame. Deer won’t eat it and we had a lot of birds last year with it. Quit with sunflowers as the deer destroyed them.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

taken on June 11

Sabalo 21 150 Yamaha

Key West Stealth 150 V-max (SOLD)

Very nice!!! A few more from earlier…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I’m liking the cowpeas a lot; they are coming up nicely so far and the deer have started eating them on the regular. The field across from me is 100 acres of soy beans, so between that and my few plots, the deer have plenty of food and shouldn’t need to leave for any reason.

Looking forward to the season!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Right now getting a late start what’s the best product to plant for a food plot with full sun. Good to hear you got that no-shoulders.

I’m by far not an expert. I’d ask Skeeter as he seems to have his stuff together pretty good. If I had to guess, if say to try some of that engineered seed stuff (throw and grow) or lablab. Just need to get lucky with the rain now.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

That’s one of my stands in the background…not sure what’s so interesting to the right…

Seems like this 8 and 6 are buddies; they’ve been hanging out together a lot lately on camera. The buck in the back is currently a 6 point, but pretty wide compared to other deer on the property. I’m letting him walk this year in hopes that he makes it through the season alive and is a big boy next year.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

At the very end of shooting light…hopefully he’ll make that mistake again.

Will this guy ever amount to anything or should he be removed?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

This is a right nice little buck for a swamp deer.

This is pretty cool, doe and rabbit together.

No food plots, no bait, the critters just come :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Nice Bucks

I always enjoy seeing mama and babies…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Tomorrow’s deer


Pretty sure that’s the big boy on my place in the background…looks like he has a belly on him.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire