Trailer damaged at Leeds Avenue Boat Ramp

I know I’m not the first… my trailer was hit in the Leeds Avenue boat ramp on Saturday (7/3). I was in last parking spot on the row closest to the dry stacks. Someone cut the corner and hit my trailer with enough force to slam my trailer into the trailer in the next slot hard enough to ruin the fender on that side.

No note was left.:frowning:

And sadly, they are probably aware that they did it and just went on home. My son’s truck was “dinged” in a parking lot and there is no way the person responsible didn’t know they did it but, did not leave a note or anything. Some people just suck.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

23Sailfish told me that he tried to miss the trailer that was parked partially in the road on the end by the drystack but dfreedoms sons car was double parked in the way so he “gently nudged” both of them slightly,just out of the way of his new Pathfinder.


I’m hoping that last post was in jest…???

What kind of trailer was it?

The trick to EF is knowing exactly what 25% of what he spouts off is the truth. He’s got some real nuggets of wisdom, you just have to know how to read between the lines.

And for the official record, 23sailfish doesn’t go to public ramps on weekends, especially holiday weekends. That’s a comeyah thing to do.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I was thinking more 10-15%

don’t sell yourself short

you know more about ipa’s and fruity beer than anybody i know

any idea where the great boiled egg thread of 2007 went? i’ve been having some arguments with tugted over this. i think i remember you were on the executive panel that framed the resolution.

I’ve blended a #1 Beer Advocate Rated Craft brew before, probably my biggest claim to fame in the booze biz, and I’ve collaborated on batches and 1-offs with everyone from Sweetwater to Heavy Seas, but those days are over. In retrospect the rise and fall of fruity beers was absolutely a fun ride for me. That seems like just the other day though, I’m a bottled in bond bourbon man anymore.

I remember the boiled egg thread, but I don’t remember the outcome (probably wasn’t one). I’m still 50/50 on a batch pealing easy vs a batch where my eggs look like they’ve been shot at. I wish some of those knuckleheads would come back around with some different schticks again, it was a lot different then, huh?

I’m still boiling and blending, anymore it’s mostly specialty eggs and sausages though.

My latest batch of each

you taught me errthing i know about mexican cake which i had recently in florence sc of all places. round 2 brought a solid headache.

ted tells me he’s fixin the old site. for about the last 5 years.

i sure miss a good bear thread

this was on drudge today, so the bears are still wildin

sausage and eggs are a solid coupla hobbies. i still gotta try doing some of those eggs. I don’t shoot enough stuff with hooves to get into the sausage yet but i want to. got a jerky gun for xmas that’s still in the box. i’ve even tried steaming eggs to peel, seems like just another lie the internet has helped propagate.

that mexicake really worth the $15 a bottle? couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger at the Teeter last time i was there. glad for the fall of fruity beers. now if sours would just go back to where they came from. I had some Evan white label a while back, tasted rather like an errant drop might’ve taken some of the finish off my costas. but around here, if it’s brown it’s down.

Sunny, all I got to say is that sucks. Public landings have gotten crazy in many different ways here, collateral damage being a big one.

no to the question.

just dammit to the rest.

I was originally yanking your chain a little, until everyone jumped in an took over a thread I was trying to take over.

But to make a long chain-yanking story short, Sunny you should never ever park in the end spot in the back of a parking lot with a boat trailer. It’s a recipe for disaster every time,sometimes you might get lucky, but not that often. Better to not park in that lot if thats all that’s left, especially now with all the googans and their new boats and trailers in the limited space you have in and around the Holy City.

Sorry you got squished. Now you know. If it makes you feel any better when I was just getting started I parked on the end slot and got pushed around too,Only my guy left a note. It read " I hit your trailer and everyone is watching me put this note on your truck. Sorry dude. Pull up farther next time.

Live and Learn I guess

As You Were

Got hit at West Palm Beach or I should say maybe hooked. The only thing it did was broke the tail light but he dragged it out of the parking spot about a foot over the line. To add insult to injury I had a $45 ticket on my windshield for improper parking. The cops were still there went and talked to them. Didn’t do no good. Told me to Tell it to The judge. Yeah right in 2 weeks.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day