Trailer shimmy

You sure you aren’t D"F" Major?

Did you Gaul the spindle from the bad bearing???

How are the springs???

Palmer may want that axle…he be trailer diving right now.

Trying to get you some pages so Pea Pad gots something to talk about.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

And by the way.

Nice move on using the scissor jack…use what you got like they do in 3rd world countries.


The ENTER-NET Fisherman

3 pages…

Batter up!!!

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

way to go Doctor. i take back all those mean things i texted.

mdaddy, you sob. this aint over

While I am certainly not above diving for parts, I think I’ll keep the screwed up axle I have, know, and love. lol

--------------------------- 17' Henry O Hornet w/ Yamaha 115 26' Palmer Scott project hull 14' Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25