trigger burgers

Love the mason jar ring idea.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Got 2lbs of Trigger burgers made. Just put in freezer waiting to firm up. Have some friends over and I know they are gonna love em!

Great Recipe BC!


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

would this work with redfish or flounder?

this one needs to be on the first page again!!!

People mess with my about my obsession with Old Bay seasoning…it’s awesome. I use it when I steam blue crabs (born in Baltimore, MD). I use the stuff in a ton of food.

SPC Horney, Michael

Islander Caster 12.5’ Fishing Kayak


tryin this tonight with a tripletail and flounder (see inshore reports :D)

Making them right now, someone gave me a secret recipe in Charleston for a sauce to put on the buns. Gonna try that also. Ha,Ha.


Originally posted by Bug Catcher

Jazzed, they are top shelf! going to try DillyDally’s slap yo momma grillin sauce tomorrow night on some mahi.going to love this form! I feel only a true sportsman can appreciate the thrill of the kill if he dosn’t enjoy the prep and consumption of the game. My sons frist wing shot on a dove hunt was a red winged black bird! we cleaned it & fryed it with the days bag! If we are not going to eat it we don’t kill it.

If it got any better I couldn’t stand it.
