Trolling w/ one or two motors?

Of those who have a boat w/ twin motors how do you run your motors when trolling? Was talking to the yamaha rep and he said that most people he knows’ only run one of there motors while trolling and turn off the other one. The obvious reason to this is to save gas.

I have always kept both of motors on at all times while offshore and feel uncomfortable when/if I have to turn one or both of them off. I’m always worried that they may not start back up and yes my motors are in a great condition.

So who only uses one of there two motors while trolling?

We run all three all the time unles bottom fishing then we leave one running.

270 Sea Pro
Twin 225 Etecs

i only use 1 at a time when trolling.

i also have never understood the fear of turning them off,when we over night i will turn them off and never worry about it,but with that said i do monitor my batteries and i have 4 of them to chose from.

not worried about the gas so run both when trolling with the hope the added noise raises more fish.

“I’d hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.”
Hunter S. Thompson

Run both. I Have turned off the motors before with no issues. And finally will someone please invite me on a overnight trip!!!

1 at a time switching every hour or so.

GW 232GT Gulfstream
150Yam x 2
“3rd Day”
Gen. Chap.1 Vs.9-13