TruGreen experiences

Thinking of using them for weed and feed service. Love to hear anyone else’s experiences. Thanks for the ■■■■■■■■. Chris

I used them a few years ago here in Columbia, NOT a good experience. I liked not having to sign a contract and being able to cut service whenever I wanted but, their service was bad. They came and did an “analysis” of my yard/grass. At the time, I had sodded the yard with St. Augustine a couple of years earlier and it looked decent but not great. I erroneously figured experts could make it look better. They told me that I had Brown Patch and my yard would need to be treated with a fungicide and that they would then start with a weed/feed about every 6-8 weeks. They treated the yard ($60 or so) and then a few weeks later started their weed/feed regimen. After a couple of months, my grass was actually looking worse and it was about that time when I came home to find one of their “technicians” applying weed/feed to my yard. I asked him when my grass was going to start looking better and he said, “you need to get rid of these Chinch bugs first”. he proceeded to show me some small bugs (spittlebugs) down in my grass. When I asked him why TruGreen hadn’t said anything about the bugs, he said he did not know, he just put down chemicals. I called the owner and complained so he said he could come out and do another analysis and then treat for bugs (if there were any). I told him his own employee had pointed out the bugs. Long story short, I paid for a treatment (fungicide) that it turns out I did not need and watched as half of my grass died. I stopped services and would not go back. With that being said, it is my understanding that each TruGreen is individually owned so maybe your experience will be better. I have very little grass now and what I have, I take care of myself.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Contemplating them also and heard similar. Possum’s has been my go-to since and self-maintain. I took a sample, sent to Clemson, and took Possum’s the results and some photos. So far I’m good.

I had the same experience as DF. I live in Huntersville,NC and used them several years ago. I had a great looking lawn and was just using them because I was tired of putting out all the fertilizer and weed killer plus they could do it cheaper than I could myself. Within 3 months I had mostly weeds and was being billed for stuff I know that they didn’t do. Plus they are owned by Terminx and that would be another story.

Originally posted by jipride

Thinking of using them for weed and feed service. Love to hear anyone else’s experiences. Thanks for the ■■■■■■■■. Chris

Karma is 360 degrees

“If fishing were easy it would be called your mom”

They charged me extra for fungus that they said was in my yard but I didn’t see it; not in the contract. They charged me extra for cinch bugs; that wasn’t in the contract. Then they charged me extra for army worms; not in the contract. Then they treated the yard with something that almost killed my pecan tree. When I asked them to come take a look at the tree and help me save it; they sent a tree removal guy and then charged me for his visit. It cost me $1200 to save the tree with an licensed arborist. I guess I have a hard time giving them any type of recomendation.

Used them a few years ago, waste of money, they spend more time doing the paperwork then working on the yard, almost every comment in our paperwork was to use more water, more water. will not ever use that company again !!

All those type business are the same. The owners have no agronomic, entomological, or pathological experience. The “technician” doing the application started two weeks ago, rode with a guy who’s been with him them a month to lean the ropes, and has his own route now

rent or buy a a couple of goats. :smiley::clown_face:

Funny you say that Fred, I have been talking about raising goats to do just what they are doing,rent them out for cleaning areas. I heard they are the one thing that can kill Kudzu, they actually eat down to the roots and kill it?? Every body thought I was crazy. Okay well maybe a little Crazy.[:0]

Thanks for the feed back all. Kind of what I expected to hear. I will check with Possum’s.

Karma is 360 degrees

“If fishing were easy it would be called your mom”

Originally posted by jipride

Thanks for the feed back all. Kind of what I expected to hear. I will check with Possum’s.

Possum’s is no different. The guys selling you know not. They ain’t bad guys or trying to mislead, but…

Get on scotts website and create a personal lawn plan. They ask a couple questions and then email you when its time to put something down…Been working pretty good for me…you will start getting emails from 1,000 companies but you can unsubscribe from them…

My next door neighbor uses trugreen. My yard has the basic green ground cover - a mixture of centipede , Bermuda, clover, crab grass, alfalfa, fescue , and some beautiful dandelions! Huge difference in our 2 yards. Next door there are large dead areas and yellowish streaks. My yard looks great after I mow, his always has problems. He lost 2 crepe myrtles from a chemical burn and gets a big fat bill every month. I only pay for a little gas and once a year I hit it with a little water in Miracle Grow. No dead areas - no yellow streaks , no dead shrubbery , no bills!

I use lawn calendar. Downloadable as a PDF.

He also has good information on controlling specific weeds.

My Cousin used Trugreen up in NC. It took a few years but they managed to kill his lawn completely. They switched to a local guy.

My neighborhood has Nacho. He’s the landscape guy that takes care of whatever you need done outside. Highly recommend finding your neighborhoods “Nacho” before trusting Trugreen.

I did get a notice from my HOA that I couldn’t do yard work wearing only my speedo any more. I guess it was driving the women crazy!

I did get a notice from my HOA that I couldn't do yard work wearing only my speedo any more. I guess it was driving the women crazy!

Yeah, most HOAs bury that “No Banana Hammock” clause in a bunch of legalese.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Their timing is terrible. When I used them they screwed the preemergent up. Here in the up state we have ample plenty poa annum and it’s critical you apply pre emergent at the proper time in order to prevent it.

I’m so excited I can barely cope,
I sizzlin’ like an isotope.

Originally posted by moretodaythanyesterday

Their timing is terrible. When I used them they screwed the preemergent up. Here in the up state we have ample plenty poa annum and it’s critical you apply pre emergent at the proper time in order to prevent it.

Actually its poa annua, common name is annual bluegrass. Timing is absolutely critical, but it has to be based on soil temperatures. Your average lawn care company doesn’t concern themselves with that. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose

used them once … the empty lot across the street looked better afterwards.

I’m glad that I read this. I had them apply pre-emergent in early March and it worked OK but not great. I usually do all my own yard work except for heavy pruning, but I was laid up this year. I also use centipede calendar as well as his pruning calendar.

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis