Hoping to go Tuesday morning if anyone is interested. Back fairly early b/c I’ve got to work that night…If it stays like the forecast, bottom fish.
Key West 21’6" BayReef
225 Honda
Tightlines and God Bless
Hoping to go Tuesday morning if anyone is interested. Back fairly early b/c I’ve got to work that night…If it stays like the forecast, bottom fish.
Key West 21’6" BayReef
225 Honda
Tightlines and God Bless
I’m game pending weather…
14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.
I’m sitting at a hotel in Italy, so I can’t make it this time out.
Have fun and fill the cooler.
There is nothing - absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Kenneth Grahame
Hotel in Italy, wow… Leaving in the early morning with high hopes and lots of clothes on.
Key West 21’6" BayReef
225 Honda
Tightlines and God Bless
Sorry Tommy, looks like you missed out.
I think I’m addicted to water. I hope we don’t run out of it…
We will do some catchup fishing when you get back in the country.
14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.