Tuesday Afternoon PainKiller 11/12/13

Left the dock at 11am, with Capt Jay, Jimmy, Eric from Charlotte and Jason from Texas -

The weather report was for a storm front starting this afternoon - so we headed to the Belky Bear in search of King Mackerel. We ran out at 55 mph. Lines in and the first king in the box by noon! We had six more, and fought two sharks before calling it quits. Fast ride home, back at 2pm.

Then we headed off to Bark Landing to search for big bucks! In the stand at 4pm, and I shot an 8 point deer by 5:15pm.

What a great day in South Carolina. As November is the month for being thankful, I am certainly thankful for living here and having all of these great outdoor activities available to enjoy!

Tight Lines,

PS I posted in OFFSHORE REPORTS as the weather is going to prevent any further reports for a while!





We truly live in Gods country, thanks for sharing.

If it got any better I couldn’t stand it.

Last pic is great!

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”
www.ralphphillipsinshore.com | www.summervillesaltwateranglers.com
Personal Trout Slot Limit: 16"-20" Creel: 2

Not many places except the Low Country where you can do both of those in the same day! Of course you might need a boat that can run 55 offshore to squeeze them both in.

Last pic is great!

No kidding, and that is a long tined buck! Can we put that picture here?

Yes we can, if nobody minds. Great day guys!

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

What a day…

Pat Condon
“Carla Dee”


Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.

  • More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

31’ Contender
250 HPDIs

That is an epic day!!

awesome combo there!

Turned out OK, but nobody had any business heading offshore in the face of yesterday’s forecast. If that forecast is missed by a few hours, you are a statistic. Way to many neophytes on this board who don’t know any better and therefore don’t say anything, but it needs to be said.

Sounds like they read the forecast perfectly, good job on the Mercury Missiles! They are not in a Row Boat by the way.Life is all about risk.

If it got any better I couldn’t stand it.

Originally posted by Bug Catcher

Sounds like they read the forecast perfectly, good job on the Mercury Missiles! They are not in a Row Boat by the way.Life is all about risk.

If it got any better I couldn’t stand it.

So being able to read a forecast is the standard. Wow.

Awesome day!! Nice to have the Contender on the lift and ready to roll when the weather gives you a window. Belkie is a short ride for them especially at 55. Nice buck there’s been some nice deer killed around here this year to. Not many folks have the chance to do what y’all can. Be thankful and enjoy!! Chip

Wet Saw
Triton Seaflight 22 Yamaha 150

Great report!
Really nice buck.
Congrats on a memorable day, I would have found a convenience store and bought lottery tickets. Sometimes things are just going your way…:slight_smile:

218WA Sailfish
The "Penn"sion Plan

Thanks for the kind words.

The weatherman forecasted winds picking up in the afternoon - hence the ride to the Belky Bear (13 or so miles from the inlet) instead of making the run to the stream. The ride out took about 20 minutes. A risk I was willing to take. We have seen our share of bad weather - much rather be fishing near shore wishing we were offshore than offshore wishing we were near shore!

With the rapid temperature drop, the deer were certain to be moving in the afternoon. I would saw we timed the weather perfectly!

If only I thought to purchase a lottery ticket Tuesday!

Tight lines,

And feel free to share my photos - Georgetown County Surf and Turf!

And why not add one more - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=623202681055983&set=a.568423286533923.1073741825.385792324797021&type=1&theater