Another offshore adventure - left the dock at 12:30pm - original plan was to head to the Scarp to fish the same numbers as last week. Due to our late start, the seas were smoother and we could run faster to the GT Hole, so quick course correction and the GT Hole it was!
Bottom fished for starters. Slower than usual bite. Three strawberry groupers, two pinkies, one squirrel fish, and one medium to large AJ as I was reeling up the jig to move to a new spot!
Anxious to troll, we set out our spread at 3:30. SLOW was an understatement. First tuna hits, novice angler fights just a bit too hard and the tuna is lost at the boat. We regroup, rehydrate and continue on.
S L O W - very S L O W. We found the school of tuna, watched them look at our spread, but no takers. We trolled over and over the school. They wouldnt come up? We boated one after a few more passes on the county line. Blue was the color (def not HOT color- just the color).
We continued to troll - go big or go home - and then the planar rod gets hit. Screaming. But not the target species - long and smelly CUDA.
Time for lines in, and, as we are reeling them in, a final tuna hits the line - and ends up in the box.
I guess we should have called it a bit earlier and maybe we could have landed a few more?
Fast ride home, back at cloudy sunset.
Great day with great friends -
Tight lines,