Got back Belize early this morning and took my oldest youngen Georgia Rose dog hunting on Turkey Day for a half day at the club by my old house and they shot a doe and cow horn the first drive, seen the doe cross in front of me in the swamp and wheeled back around and went out the back line. Big mistake, and in the chase apparently ran past the cow horn which now came by us as well but the palmetto thicket kept him safe…for about 2 more minutes and yet another mistake. 2nd drive dogs jumped out of the block and then put a button buck back into the drive which he lived another 10 minutes and yet another mistake. A bobcat went out the back line and should have walked a little softer…9th live expired. 2 turkeys flew across our heads and then a big coyote slipped past us and stopped for a second look at what he just heard, some call it taking the safety off while another term is staring death in the face. And then the loud kicked in.