
I am in my North Carolina home this week. Last night at 8 I watched a turkey roost in a tree 50 yds away. I sneezed and he gobbled. For fun, I grabbed my gobble call and he and I went back and forth 10 times. He answered every time. This mornng at 6 Am the bastard woke me up gobbling 10’ from my bedroom window with a buddy.
Of course, the season ended Saturday which proves turkeys are smarter than me and he was making fun of me:smiley:
Watch out Mr Tom. Next year…

Gobbled by my window at 6 AM 8 days in a row. I have turkeys all over the place. Hope they are still there in March.

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

That sounds like a great problem to have.

Hope they stick around for you.

Hey Beagle How r u?

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.