TV tonight

Just watched the final episode of the PBS special Vietnam! What a show, I am 71 now and this sure brought back a time when America was broken. Sure Glad I lived thru it, a lot of my buddys did not. I think this program should be must see for all school seniors. I think it would make this country much stronger!

Didn’t watch it , might should have but my memories didn’t want too…
Boatpoor and i are the same age but i feel this country is far more broken/divided today than back then… just my feelings

I have forgiven a lot, but I’ll never forgive Jane Fonda!

Ive watched 3 or so of them, very moving and ive learned a lot.
I didn’t realize the background, for example - how we essentially got dragged into it by the French. Ive read about the episode that shows film of prob one of the most iconic (if that’s the right word) photo of the South Vietnamese general shooting a member NLF who had been accused of murdering a family. Im not sure I can watch that.
But Ken burns has been doing interviews for the WP after each episode airs which I also found interesting.
here is the link to Burns talking about the episode i mention above.

I watched every episode. Great work.

I graduated from high school in 1966 at 17 years old. I had already lost a friend who was a year ahead of me in school in the war.

I went to college for a year then was lucky enough to join the Navy. I got my draft notice while I was in boot camp.

What the Press didn’t tell you, about the VC that was shot in the head! He was caught right after he killed a police officer and the officers, entire family, to include children! Leftist Press! So, who was the bad guy here:question: I’m Paul Harvey and “Now the Rest of the Story”

Right on Easy. Lots of village elders , teachers , extended families of above also killed just for good measure… The VC were the spawn of satan…

The amount of time spent on portraying the Communist Doctrine for what it is …elimination of dissent…was not equal to the bashing of US policy…

Take a look around you. Safe Spaces??? The right to assemble …with a permit???

Just looking for fair and balance in a documentary…70-30 for the leftist profile of America being the bad guy.

IMO, Communism is just another elitist scam…achieved by purging the opposition…

Elections with ballots versus bullets are something we strive for as Americans. I will continue to believe that.

Originally posted by Easy

What the Press didn’t tell you, about the VC that was shot in the head! He was caught right after he killed a police officer and the officers, entire family, to include children! Leftist Press! So, who was the bad guy here:question: I’m Paul Harvey and “Now the Rest of the Story”

Read my post again, and open the link.
To make it easier both mention the family s murder.

Right on Mdaddy

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