Twin ponds range

I’m sure this has been discussed somewhere recently, but i google searched and searched on this website and couldnt find anything very recent or informative.

Does anyone in the know have an idea of when/if it will be reopened and details of the improvements to it? Will it have a range officer?

I drive by it all the time, and it seems that closed sign has been hanging on it forever

It seems like I remember reading it may open back up in October but I haven’t tried looking at the website in months.

Yes on the range officer.

I really hope they have a range officer. Used to go there moderately frequently, but last time i went, it was so flipping crowded and one person was firing unsafely way behind the firing line… My brother and i just left immediately because he scared me so bad. He unloaded his pistol with the muzzle about two feet behind my head and less than two feet to the right of me while i was target shooting. I hadn’t been back since. About the time i felt the need to go back to the range, i noticed it was closed and it just seems to have been taking forever and keeps on getting delayed. Thanks for the responses

SCDNR has a web site. On the web site they list contact information. Simply call them and ask them about the range. I have always received friendly, helpful information from whomever was on the other end of the line. They are really vested in promoting their public image, and providing a positive client experience.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Didnt even think to call them. I thought it was managed by the park service. Just spoke with an officer that said that berm construction has been delayed by rain. Additionally, its a joint project between dnr and park services actually. He also said they were planning on 18 pistol stations and 16 rifle stations (those numbers may be right or slightly off). Also they were planning to have a ranger there tuesday-saturday. He said the best he could offer for a date would be possibly sometime in september, but probably october, and hopefully not november. Timeframe depends on rain and/or communication/teamwork with the park services

That’s great news. I only go there when I need to zero a rifle at 100. Everything else is in the back yard…lol One question with a ranger there will they be imposing time restrictions or just acting as a safety officer? Glad pistols and riffles will be separated.

I didnt ask that particular question, tigershrk.