Two out of Twenty One,,,,

In the past 12 hours 21 different threads have been posted on.

2 of those threads were about politics and the other 19 were other hunting, boating, gardens, and fishing related “stuff”.

That’s progress any way you cut it. If that’s not progress I’ll kiss Freds old wrinkled arse on the steps of the Colleton County Courthouse and give you thirty minutes to draw a crowd. Oh, its progress alright.

It is directly related to admin starting to put the troublemakers in a box (so to speak) along with the rest of us continuing to ignore the trolls and finks here who are starved for attention and need to feed their self aggrandized egos.

So anyway, 2 out of 21 ain’t bad at all.

I am sure some people who have abused the system for years will think getting rid of the politic section is the answer, but better to just get rid of the troublemakers by continuing the shun so their BS doesn’t spill off their chins and into other sections of this forum.

Thanks to Admin (looking at you @snickers) and also to those maintaining the shun.



Get rid of the politics, and politics forum, and solve it all… Seems smart to me…

I vote for making it all hunting and fishing… Not food network, gardening, history channel junk, etc…

No offense to anyone but, I’ll pass on that. I think you are right though. Kind of like getting rid of a disease and the person get healthy again.

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Politics is mostly the HUNDREDS of older threads being added to, as evidenced by several threads having posts into the hundreds, soooo, judging Politics forum by number of threads, doesn’t do justice.

Also, those numbers show the GOOD results from the new effort to expand fishing, to that I say CONGRATS, GOOD JOB!!! Very happy to see fishing and hunting coming back snickers.

Count the posts yesterday and report back.

Thanks in advance. Id do it myself but im gassing up and hitting the road.

It would be nice to see that extrapolated

You are finished Bob. And please be aware that you do not live in anyones head. . We want you gone

EF, not to the left and not to the right. Smack in the middle and it’s not that old or wrinkly. Good tan lines though, Nurse even told me so.

Does this mean you can take my thread out of the lounge? Can we delete the last 100 replies /4 days?

If anyone wants to crybaby that I ran Bob off. I’m ok with that. - let it be known that myself and several others tried to have kind conversations with Bob , but he wouldn’t have it. . It’s his own dang fault

Boo Hoo :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
You about to make me cry.
Bob is still there in that head.

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Cry a river. Who cares. Your posts will be deleted every time you violate the rules or post those stupid photos.

Did the Lowell train from Eutawville just jump the track?

I heard a whistle earlier and theres still coal ash and smoke in the air, but I dont see the train.

I guess all that MF talk meant Mighty Fine.

Wooooo Woooooo

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I just zapped this one. Bob you are getting too many flags.

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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
About to make me cry again.

Please do. . It’s not my problem. I don’t care who you are or if you cry. I flag violations.

I haven’t been active for several years but RBF, I agree with you. I’m a member of SCOutdoors and there are even more topics than CF. Many of their topics don’t get more than one post or so a year.