union at Boeing question

wonder what would happen to our Port if the local ILA didn’t control the breakbulk and containers?

CRM, so by law Boeing can’t ignore the union?

But boeing doesn’t have to sign a contract with the union…by law. Right?

I guess I don’t understand why any business would enter into a contract with a union.

Peapod: Cost would drop, murders on the port would be eliminated, and the through put of our port would improve greatly. I have been there and seen that first hand.

Boeing would only sign a work agreement to avoid a vote by the employees. If the employees form, then Boeing is really out of the equation. They could fire them, that would be a case of open discrimination against each worker.

Think of a union contract as the lesser of two evils. Like the two political party system but much much worse. Make no mistake there is no company, country, worker, society that is better off in the long run with the type of unionization that is going on in this country today.

that’s racist. but lol.

ya gotta give the thugs an A+ for negotiating Container Royalty


You guys ought to see a movie made. With the exception of most of the extras, EVERYONE from the actors all the way down to the person who does the most menial job is unionized. I now know why movies cost so much to make. They make the government look efficient.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

You’re racist too

Wait PeaPod reads the WSJ?

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

PeaPod can read??

Anyone remember the GE plant in Ladson and why it closed down?

You're racist too

Yeah, someone told me that after I said I didn’t like black jelly beans.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by Fishb8

CRM, so by law Boeing can’t ignore the union?

But boeing doesn’t have to sign a contract with the union…by law. Right?

I guess I don’t understand why any business would enter into a contract with a union.

They have keep production going - a company simply can’t stop and fire everyone, lose months of production and spend millions hiring and training new employees. Unions know this, and they know exactly how much they can milk from a company.

It’s not the wages and bennies that kill a company the size of Boeing, it will be the pension’s and retirement. Plus things like 90% pay while employees are laid off for retooling or lags in production… these kill even the largest of companies.

From what I’ve gathered from a few Boeing employees that happen to be pro union, Boeing may not be doing itself any favors - low pay, long hours, contract work, no loyalty to line workers…

They could do a few small things to help stop the union from coming - across the board pay raises, a few vacation days, some bonuses for performance… it would save them money and hassle later on.

I hear what you are saying. But…the employees have a choice. they decided to goto work there.

On the other comment. I bet is Boeing fired everyone and offered to re-hire with out union representation. they would not miss much production.

The same way Boeing cant just stop production, a bread-winner cant stop bringing the bread.

Like I said in the OP, why do they have to talk to the union. What if Boeing simply ignores them.

I used to work in furniture industry; two buildings up street was a
union spring plant(only union shop in area)They had wages and benefits
far greater than similar plants in this area. They were frequently
striking for more when one day noticed a picket line. Plant was down
while striking, picketed for several weeks ,then one day police car
escourted what looked like a funeral column to plant entrance.
With some type of maneuver they replaced the entire work force with
no union. Never had union shop in area again ,:smiley: JUST SAYIN!!!:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

There will have to be a vote with the employees. If the majority votes for the union, then the company & the union have to negotiate a contract. It could take up to several months. It will be a give & take negotiation. Vacation times or PTO time can be cut in trade for wages. All kinds of things can, and more than likely will change for the employees. Some might be good while others not so good. And the union employees WILL have to pay dues, strike when the union says strike, and not get paid during said strike. In the meantime there will be a freeze on salaries, promotions, etc. Appointed shop stewards do not necessarily have to be current employees. The union can bring in their own people. Non union employees in a union shop, although the union will deny it, will not be in the best of favors with the union. Retaliation is against policy, but happens just the same. I’ve heard that they can make your work life miserable if you don’t join.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Bob. when I belonged to the United Steel Workers you wouldn’t believe what they got. According to seniority they could get 13 week vacation. That’s 3.2 month’s off at full pay! They had the ability to receive 80% of full pay after being laid off and drawling all they could, from unemployment insurance! So much for Unions! In my prior post, I talked about a rigger. If I had hooked up the cables, they would have had to pay the most senior rigger, time and a half even if he was home in bed! That’s why things cost so much when you buy(Made In America)

The part that gets me… As happy Bob says… The company and the union HAVE to negotiate a contract.

I see a union as it’s own government. You are forced to pay due (aka taxes). Those dues are used to pay people (aka senator’s) more than you make, to make decisions on your behalf for you. These people make the rules (aka laws) you have to live by.


I have a buddy that works there. He says the climate in his area is pretty anti-union, but there’s one guy who’s pro. Every Friday they get to wear whatever they want, and this dude always wears some sort of Pro IAM- vote yes shirt. Ironically, every Friday, his ass is put in the wing inspecting fuel tanks.

There’s a law The National Labor Relations Act, more commonly known as the Wagner Act that forces companies to negotiate in good faith if the Union gets voted in by a majority of eligible employees.

One of my friends family decided it was easier and less hassle to close their trucking company than to deal with the Teamsters. They had a rapidly growing trucking company, treated their people well and paid competitive wages. The workers were convinced they’d make a lot more money if they organized. The day of the vote, Mr O’Daniel turned off the lights and padlocked the gate.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!