union at Boeing question

I don’t want to get into a union vs non-union.
My question is does Boeing have to comply with the union?

I’m not sure, but I do know that any dolt who votes to be unionized deserves everything that comes to him. At one time during the industrialization and economic maturation of our country, unions may have had a place. Now, unions are vultures that feed off the under-educated masses that they prey upon. Sickening.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Non union workers have nothing to do with the unions. That’s the whole reason they built a plant here. So they can tell the union to go eff off. I could be wrong, though.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

That’s what a right to work state means as far as I know. The worker has a choice to join or not, even if there is a union.

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

We had a union try to come into our plant. Some of the younger guys heard about higher pay and how much better it would be with the union. Luckily, they were voted against.
The way it was explained to me was: If a union comes in, a worker does have the choice to join or not. But he/she still has to abide by the union rules and policies.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

forget the individuals right to join a union. I get that.
My question is why does Boeing have to listen to/agree to anything the union says. Can Boeing just ignore them?

on a smaller scale: lets say Bob’s auto repair has 10 employees. 8 of the join a union. That union tells Bob to give them a raise. Can’t Bob say no?
I just don’t understand why a company would enter into an agreement of ANY kind with a union.

Originally posted by Fishb8

forget the individuals right to join a union. I get that.
My question is why does Boeing have to listen to/agree to anything the union says. Can Boeing just ignore them?

on a smaller scale: lets say Bob’s auto repair has 10 employees. 8 of the join a union. That union tells Bob to give them a raise. Can’t Bob say no?
I just don’t understand why a company would enter into an agreement of ANY kind with a union.

Yes, they could just ignore the union, but that is where the intimadation comes in. The union calls a strike, the workers do not work. This causes major problems for Boeing, so eventually, they cave…

IMO, unions had a purpose YEARS ago… Unions represented workers before there were labor laws in place to protect said workers. These days, the unions are noting more than legalized extortion rings who are out for their own self gain…

I hope the Boeing workers send a RESOUNDING message to the IAM and vote NO…after all, it was the union who said the planes could never be built here in SC any way…BUT, you dangle the $$$ carrot in front of a lot of people and they get slightly stoopid…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

If the union strikes, without any agreement, can’t Boeing just fire all the workers for not coming to work?

There must be something going on there because they received over 30% approval to vote for a union. I would think if life was good at Boeing the IAM would never received the over 30% vote infavor of going forward for the union vote.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence until you jump over.

A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.

Originally posted by oops_lost

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence until you jump over.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

and just as difficult to mow…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Fishb8…really simply, the Union will represent the workers and handle issues the contract w/ Boeing stipulates.
Mr Optiker…I believe if the workers vote and the majority passes, the Union will represent all workers related to the group as they will become members.
I’ve read it’s not a top to bottom organization plan, just specific work groups.
Pitviper0404…You certainly are correct about Unions had a purpose years ago. Representation, hours, conditions, training, output, medical, vacation, holidays, safety, and no doubt several more issues were struggled for by our forefathers and mothers. The second part of your statement sounds more like a movie script, gotta be some credibility behind it, I can’t disprove it.

…had to cut the page or two to follow, wrong crowd here; there are those opposed who will not benefit and those opposed who do not want others to benefit.

I’m going fishing in a week, :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by oops_lost

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence until you jump over.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

and just as difficult to mow…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Not if you have goats...

I worked in a union controlled shop, the folks that were in jobs covered by the union followed the union rules even if they weren’t members

my job classification was not in the union so I didn’t have the union rules

what I observed was: 1) non-union employees were “hard timed” into joining the union, constant intimidation eventually forced even the toughest guys to cave

  1. my group would submit work tickets for tasks in our area that were the responsibility of the union workers, it was amazing how slow they could work and not get in trouble, I could have done it in 2 hours and it took 3 of them 3 hours, they needed a mechanic, electrician and instrument guy - can’t do each others jobs

  2. even when they were busy with other work and couldn’t get to our project for days, if I did the work they would file a grievance with the union, the union would come in claiming a contract violation

  3. the overall performance migrated to a low level, there was no motivation to work hard because of the union contract

Ultimately the union cost those guys a bunch of money. Besides the dues they had to pay, when benefits changed(improved) for salaried employees the union didn’t get the same deal. Healthcare and the bonus programs are different. The union is weak and slowly dying because the number of young guys is increasing and they are refusing to join.

Pioneer 197SF

Originally posted by DG34YF

Fishb8…really simply, the Union will represent the workers and handle issues the contract w/ Boeing stipulates.</font id=“size2”>
Mr Optiker…I believe if the workers vote and the majority passes, the Union will represent all workers related to the group as they will become members.
I’ve read it’s not a top to bottom organization plan, just specific work groups.
Pitviper0404…You certainly are correct about Unions had a purpose years ago. Representation, hours, conditions, training, output, medical, vacation, holidays, safety, and no doubt several more issues were struggled for by our forefathers and mothers. The second part of your statement sounds more like a movie script, gotta be some credibility behind it, I can’t disprove it.

…had to cut the page or two to follow, wrong crowd here; there are those opposed who will not benefit and those opposed who do not want others to benefit.

I’m going fishing in a week, :slight_smile:

My point is, why would Boeing enter into a contract with the union?

Federal law gives employees the right to vote for a union. If a union wins the vote they go in and negotiate a contract that deals with shifts, hours, pay, job titles, benefits etc… Both sides sign the contract and it becomes ratified. FishB8…Boeing cannot ignore the union if they are voted in. Who would vote for a union that said South Carolinian’s could never build an airplane? They bashed our state and now want to represent our state? They just want union dues from 1000+ employees. I worked at a union plant before. Seems like all the union reps just went to “classes”. Seems like the “classes” were always in Las Vegas. See where the union dues go? It’s a huge sham. No point in a union unless the employer is screwing the crap out of people. Only complaint I hear from Boeing employees is they work too many hours. Not sure of any other complaints.

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

For the Boeing people reading this that qualify to vote please remember one thing; the IAM union members work on seniority. In short, if Wash union members out-rank you for a job, which given their membership tenure they would, they may replace you in your job.

I worked in a Steel Mill in Pa for a while that was Union. Worked on the intra-plant railroad. My first day, we were pushing a rail car loaded with ingots into a rolling mill. The front wheels jumped the rack and we stopped and looked at it. I told the guy I was working with that if we put some wood down and backed up, we could pull it back up on the track. He said that that wasn’t our job! Our job was to call it in and sit down and wait. Boss Man came and had to call the Boss Man that was in charge of the mobile cranes. He came and looked and called for a crane and crane operator! Boss Man called the Rigger Boss man and he came and looked. He called a Rigger and he came with some cables. After everyone with their equipment was there and set up they picked up 1 end of the rail car and put it back on the rails. Took them about 3 hours, and if we had put the wood down we would have been done and gone in 10 minutes. Our job was to put them on the ground, not on the tracks:face_with_head_bandage: Never could get use to that work ethic!

I have a similar story. I worked at the paper mill in the early 2000’s. We had a hydraulic pump that had a leaky fitting. I called for mechanical help and was told it would be awhile before they could get to me. I waited 45 minutes. I decided to go get a wrench and tighten the fitting myself. They showed up after about 1.5 hours and I explained to them I tightened the fitting. They went nuts. Told me I have no right to do the job. It is not in my job description to tighten fittings. One of them filed a grievance about the situation. I was given an oral warning. That is a Union for you folks. 1.5 hours of stopped production instead of a 3 minute tightening of a fitting.

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

The Dept of Labor is the government branch of the Union. To be a “judge” or “mediator” at DofL you must havea number of years representing the union. Boeing has no choice, and no relief. This is a stacked deck no matter how you look at it.