Of course I don’t have any pics, but I took my 15 year old nephew hunting yesterday and he was texting me about some strange animals he saw climbing up 2 different trees yesterday evening. They were dark colored with lighter coloring around the faces, they also had long necks. They went up the trees and were turning their heads and looking at him… They never came back down from the trees that he could tell. I was thinking fox squirrels but he said no, they climbed the trees much slower than a squirrel does. The area was about 50 yards from water of a beaver swamp/pond. I did a little research and came to the conclusion they may have been minks, but he didn’t think so from the pics we looked at. He saw a pic of a polecat and said that’s what it was. So maybe a polecat or a ferret? Polecats aren’t even native here from what I’ve found. That stand hasn’t been sat much the last few years due to high water, but I have a climber in the area now.
If he saw one,I would maybe think ferret.Polecats are mostly found in Europe.I see pairs of fox squirrels regularly all over the lowcountry.They are making a strong comeback after getting a large beat down from hurricane Hugo.Back in the day,IOP near Wild Dunes was loaded with them,could feed them p-nuts while perched on your shoulder.
He said the tails were shorter like a ferret, not bushy. That’s why we eliminated the squirrel. I saw a fox squirrel 2 turkey seasons ago on the property. Only one I’ve seen there in 17 years.
Baby Bigfoot…baby bigfeet? Big Littlefeet?
Little Bigfoots!
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
Tell him next time he sees one,shoot it so you can get a positive ID on it!
If you were hunting where I think you were hunting they were otters, and yes, an otter can climb a tree.
Def Chupacabra
“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy
Salty, i’m sure there are some otters in there, plenty of water back there. He looked at some pics of otters and said no, definitely not an otter. Size was smaller than an otter also.
I’ve seen one in my life, not around here but that swamp is full of cool creatures and this could be one of the , long tailed weasel.
Fox Squirrels are everywhere around a few golf courses in PI.
The more we just complain…the more things stay the same.
2 baby otters went by my stand last week and they were pretty small.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.