Using my Dock to Dock Auto-Routing feature

I have been using my dock to dock auto-routing feature on both my raymarine using my nav charts and my ipad via the boating app. It’s been a great tool for me to use when planning long runs and in unfamiliar waters. Pretty useful as is quickly gives me detailed routes through narrow channels. On the app on my ipad it gives me points of interest along my route as well as info. such as time, distance, fuel, etc… Pretty neat. Does anyone else have any experience using this feature and what tips do you have on how it betters your boating experience? Thanks.

How much better can it get than that:question:
50 years ago we had a flasher depth finder, RDF, compass and sextant. We always managed to find our way anywhere. Things are too easy today, it doesn’t require any knowledge, just button punching.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

How much better can it get than that:question:
50 years ago we had a flasher depth finder, RDF, compass and sextant. We always managed to find our way anywhere. Things are too easy today, it doesn’t require any knowledge, just button punching.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Yeah what Capt Larry said…plus we walked uphill to school both ways!!
But I’d still like to have that!!:smiley:

That thing is slick as an eel’s pecker. I might have learned how in the old days with basic tools, but I sure do like today’s technology too :sunglasses: But it does make it almost too easy, and too many people rely on it too much. If it crapped out they couldn’t find their way home.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper