Vegetable gardening pest control tips please

I know a few of you on here have a garden, and I’m wondering if anyone plants extra plants to help control pests. Obviously pesticides will kill the little %@^%#, but I’d like to try not have to use them or at least use less. I think things like marigolds and citronella help but I’m wondering what else y’all use for this. I’ve planted tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, watermelons, radishes, and bell peppers. Crickets and fire ants have been a problem in the past, so I significantly reduced my garden size (less to care for) and made it a raised bed too. Any tips are appreciated.


I use marigolds in between my tomatoes. It does help with the hornworms later on, but I still have to spray them at least once, unless you have time to pick over every single plant every single day. I also only plant in a raised bed now, I just don’t have the time for a big garden.

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DF140 Suzuki

I also have a raised garden since it is less work to keep it up. I have also found that I get about same amount out of it since I can keep it watered a lot better & take care of it.
I use the same flowers above & we have a lot of lady bugs around that eat some insects that harm plants. I do not put them out they are just a lot in my area. I still have to use 7-dust from time to time when the hornworks come with a vengence.

We also use marigolds, they are great for natural pest control. We’ve switched over to almost complete raised bed now too.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Squash vine borers are the DEVIL! There isn’t much I have found you can do much about them other than plant your squash earlier and plant a lot of it! Or completely screen in your garden. We just bomb it occasionally, still better than getting the ones from the store were you have no idea what/when they were sprayed with. We also had issues with Squash bugs which kill your peppers but they moved over to the Johns Island Red Pea bush once it produced pods. For whatever reason they didn’t do to much damage to the plant. We just used the ant killer pellets they sell at lowes to get rid of our fire ant problem.

I don’t like any pesticides on my garden but I will use Seven dust on my corn just as it starts to tossle and on my potatoes. I don’t do a lot in fall when pests are at their worst.

As for fire ants we’ve just started using Bengal fire ant killer. It’s a powder that you sprinkle over the mounds. Seems to be doing pretty good so far.

I use this for ants in my yard, I have 2 acres. One jug will do my entire yard. I use a hand spreader, I take 7 steps & then turn the handle, 7 stups turn, so on… I will put it out a little heavier around structure & perimeter of yard. I do it in the spring & fall and it has worked well for the past 3 yrs. The only agervating thing is you have to make sure it has not rained for 3 days before you put it out & is not going to rain for 3 more after you put it out. Need a 6-7 day rain free window which is sometimes hard in the spring.