Venice trip (pic heavy)

Had the opportunity to go to Venice for a couple days and fish with my buddy, Bear. We fished 2 days inshore and 1 day on the rigs. All I can say is WOW! what an amazing fishery. We got there after the cold front that ripped thru last week and conditions were less than desirable. First day we stayed relatively close and fought real muddy conditions. It was still blowing pretty hard and we worked at them and ended up with 15 or so, biggest being 32lbs and smallest around 20lbs. Apparently this was a slow day :question:. Second day we headed out in search of clear water to sight fish and headed to the Chandeliers with Bear and Travis, ended up running 45 miles one way in less than desirable conditions. I was amazed at how the LAke and Bay boats we were in handled. We had to run 15 miles across open water in 3footers and the boats cut thru it at 30 mph, an absolutely amazing ride in a flats boat. Only had the opportunity to open them up a couple times and they will absolutely fly! Made it to the chandeliers and walked one of the barrier island with the fly rods and my buddy managed one small red in the surf and Bear pulled a nice bull in on a spinning rod. Wading in Nov was a little chilly, but well worth it. Fish were still messed up from the low that came thru the previous 2 days but Travis managed to find a large school, I mean large! about 5 acres of bull reds. They would pop up for a while and then go back down. When they came up absolute calamity in sued. Had all 5 anglers in 2 boats hooked up with 25 lbers a couple times. Absolute chinese fire drill! Light was fading at this point and we had alot of ground to cover and running around Venice at night is not safe, in the least. Opened the Lake and Bays up and made the run, Saw 71 mph at one point with 3 people on board!
Had a trip booked with MExican Gulf Fishing Company and they had cancelled most trips that week. When I told them we were from Charleston, were used to 70 mile runs one way in rough seas and had run 50 miles in flats boats the day before they had no

Great pics and trip. Looks like global warming was in full effect.:smiley:

Without those pics I would have said you must have dreamed that trip. Wow, fantastic story!!!

Dorado II
Carolina Skiff 25DLV

Thatone dude looks like Rapchizzle in 15 years…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I opened this expecting to see pics of casting from Gondolas in the Grand Canal…

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

nice!!!..and I was thinking the same thing about the rapchizzle :slight_smile:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16